Impulser's Awakening..

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"Oh lookie what I have here.. little Alien Kid got his butt kicked by an emo extraterrestrial..." said Impulser as he looked at the worn out Ultimate Spidermonkey.

Ultimate Spidermonkey groaned and got up, Mikoto did the same, rubbing her waist from the soreness of being trapped under the gian alien marsupial.

"Impulser!?" Ultimate Spidermonkey roared. "What the hell!?"

"Shut up Tennyson." said Impulser. "If you wanna settle the score now, I'll love to do it!! But right now, the way I see it, I'm the only one allowed to kill your sorry ass.. you can leave freakazoid over there to me Gorrilla boy.. or if you wanna get in my way, I can kill the both of you at the same time.. I'm not all that picky."

Mikoto stood in between Impulser and Ultimate Spidermonkey, glaring at the esper. "If you dare try to even lay a-"

"Mikoto wait." said Ultimate Spidermonkey. "He doesn't even know Psyphon.. there's no grudge against Vilgax... Impulser.. are you saying you're going to help us!?"

"Help!!? Peh!! Don't be such a noob!!" Impulser spat. "I'm here because I just like killing!! And that's how it's going to be.. as it so happened I just decided to kill this f*cker here! So stay out of my way ya freakin' monkey!"

Ultimate Spidermonkey and Mikoto looked at each other. Ultimate Spidermonkey opened his mouth to speak, but Impulser cut him off.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT WISHING ME LUCK!!! I hate touchy feely crap!!" Impulser growled.

"Kay.. fine.." said Ultimate Spidermonkey. "Come on Mikoto!! We need to find Vilgax!!"

Ultimate Spidermonkey put Mikoto on his back and leapt away, running at high speed.

Psyphon levitated into the air, looking supremely annoyed. "So.. you're another one of those homosapien abominations known as espers... what a curious bit of trash you are."

"And what a curious bit of stupid you are." said Impulser. "What are you supposed to be? Ghost on the Rocks!?"

"So you kill for the sake of killing.." said Psyphon. "I don't believe that's quite true.. I know your profile Impulser.. I've read the information on many espers residing in this city.. you kill at your convenience.. yet here you've come all the way to District 11, taking all that tedious time getting here.. I'd say you're here for a reason."

"Hmm.. what an interesting theory." said Impulser, his eyes growing wide with blood lust. "Well I'm here now.. and you're right here.. so killing you now would be.. how did you say it? Right.. at my convenience.."

Psyphon hissed and threw several massive plasma disks at Impulser. Impulser flashed out of the way, turning into a tremendously speedy blur as he sped around at XLR8 class speed.

Impulser launched himself into the air, cackling as his hand shifted and vibrated like a chainsaw. He lashed his hand down at Psyphon who enveloped his hands in energy and blocked the vibrating hand.

"How cute!" said Impulser. "You're actually stronger then your weak little body says it is.. lovely."

Impulser snapped his fingers, and a powerful sonic boom exploded from his fingertips..smacking Psyphon back into the ground.

Impulser levitated down to the ground.. the air swirling around him.. he tapped the ground with the edge of his shoe.. and a large siesmic quake rippled over to where Psyphon was, throwing him straight over a fence and into another runway, right as a plane was about to land..

Psyphon lashed a hand out, and a plasma disk sliced the plane's wing apart, causing the airline to bank right and crash into another nearby runway.

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