Let Me Tell You Something About Love!!!

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"Oh... HE'S JUST SO CUUUUUTE!!!.. but how do I tell him? HE'S SO CUUUUTEE!!!"

Julie Yamamoto was spinning around in her chair at judgement offices..fiddling with the badge on her arm. "Oh.. oh.. Ben... will you ever notice me?"

On Julie's desk was a picture of Ben eating a cheeseburger at where his desk, apparently unaware that he was having his picture taken. On Julie's computer screen were screensaver images of Ben's alien forms that had been taken by UFO enthusiasts over the years.

Julie, Ben, Kuroko, and several other Judgement officers including Uiharu currently shared the same room in Judgement's headquarters.. and the multiple desks and giant stacks of paperwork made things extremely cluttered at times.. so much so.. that Ben was sometimes reduced to turning into an alien called Goop to ooze in between the mess.

Ben's desk.. which was opposite of Uiharu's, was by far the most noticeably different. There was a large Sumo Slammer action figure standing next to the PC, several Captain Nemesis posters plastered on walls nearby.. and there were lots of phramed pictures standing on the desks.. many of which had pictures of Ben's first summer vacation with the Omnitrix. While some were new with pictures that showed Ben offering a Mr. Smoothy as Mikoto tried her first sip of the strange smoothie restaurant.

Kuroko sighed as she watched Julie stare anxiously at Ben's empty desk. "For pete's sake Yamamoto.. he'll be back on duty before you know it!"

"But there's always a long holiday break after the Daihaseisai!!" Julie moaned. "What if he decides to go somewhere for the entire break!? Like.. like... Venice!?"

"I doubt Ben can afford to go to Venice on his poor budget." said Kuroko. "He's practically freeloading off me and Sissy!"

"I heard he's taking most of his pay from odd jobs and giving it to Misaka though.." said Julie.

Kuroko sighed. That was true.. even though Judgement was a volunteer based organization that demanded plenty of time and energy, Ben had somehow managed to take plenty of oddjobs around the city to try and pay her and Mikoto back for allowing him to stay in the apartment..

The most recent job, had been XLR8 Pizza delivery service...which basically meant XLR8 racing all over the city delivering pizzas in seconds...

"That silly boy.. trying to impress my Sissy with all his silly attempts." Kuroko muttered. "But.. she's MY Sissy!! And nobody's going to take the body of my beautiful innocent Sissy from me..."

"K-Kuroko? You're saying weird thinigs again." said Julie.




Julie lay her head upon her desk and sighed. "Ben...."

Kuroko did the same on her desk. "Sissy..."

The two looked at each other for a minute.

"It's getting harder to do our jobs." muttered Kuroko. "Anyways.. I.."

Kuroko stopped short and stared at the email that she had just recieved on her computer. This.. this couldn't be right.. "S-Sissy hasn't shown up at all!? Not at all!? And Ben's missing too!?"

"WHA!?" Julie jumped out of her chair and ran over to Kuroko's desk.

"It says it right here!" said Kuroko. "One of the Commitee members for the Daihaseisai is reporting it!! Oh no... OH NO!! WHAT IF.. WHAT IF THAT CRAZY OAF IS MAKING LOVE WITH MY SISSY!?"

Julie stared at Kuroko. For a moment, she was about to say something like 'no way, that's completely absurd!' but then.. then an image of Ben Tennyson kissing Mikoto Misaka flashed into her head... now that she thought about it.. those two were awfully close.. they were barely ever seen apart... what if... what if..?

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now