Inside the Omnitrix

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Ben dodged another few punches from Oriana, as she displayed a rather skilled set of of hand to hand combat moves.

Ben had to admit, Oriana was good. Thanks to his Esper ability Prediction Point, Ben was able to observe Oriana's muscle movements and combative skills on a much larger level. It was now thanks to years of experience fighting aliens and surviving on the bad streets of Academy City that was allowing him to keep up with the sorceress.

However, there was one thing Ben knew he had going for him. The fact that Oriana was using more hand to hand combat, meant she was running out of Grimoires, meaning she wouldn't resort to magic unless things got really desperate.

Ben sidestepped another punch from Oriana as she smiled. "Impressive kid! You've been street fighting as a human before?"

"More like plenty of my aliens have a street fighting style to them." said Ben. "You haven't met Fourarms.. and Rath's pretty much the street fighting king.."

Ben threw a strong right hook at Oriana's which she blocked with her arm.. almost before Ben could react, he was kicked straight in the chest, Oriana moving too fast for his small Level 2 ability to predict in time.

Ben coughed up some spit, momentarily stunned as Oriana's fist met the side of his face..

Ben staggered back, wiping some blood from his chin before ducking another kick from Oriana. He dashed forward and slid under Oriana like a soccer player and jumped up, grabbing Oriana in a hold from behind and throwing her to the ground..

Oriana recovered quickly leaping aside and laughing. "You've got moves."

"Like I said, I have experience." said Ben. "So tell me.. what do you and your friend plan to do once you're making everyone, 'happy'?"

Oriana's eyes flashed. "My friend?"

Ben grinned. "I figured you couldn't be doing all this alone. So when I was chasing you as Ultimate Wildmutt, I locked onto another scent that was pretty prominent on you.. now the next time I turn into Wildmutt, I'll be able to track onto her too... and.. I'm guessing she's the one keeping the Croci Di Pietro for you huh?"

Oriana stared at Ben for a minute, then she glared at him. "You're a dangerous kid.."

"Funny, you're the first person since Vilgax whose ever called me something like dangerous!" said Ben.

Oriana moved quick and rammed her elbow right into Ben's  chest before punching him in the face again. "Then you're the one I'll have to take out most of all, right next to that Imagine Breaker boy!!"

Ben wiped more blood from his chin and jumped back as Oriana lashed out another few blows at him.

"Alright then.." said Ben. "No more Mr. Nice Guy!!"

Ben dashed at Oriana and ducked several of her blows, puching her straight in the gut, then letting out a few punches straight into her lower jaw.

"WHAM!!!" one uppercut.

"WHAM!!! A second uppercut.

As Ben fought he imagined he was Humungousaur fighting a Detrovite. Several more uppercuts, dodge the wide swing, aim for the head, the most vulnerable point.

Every battle he had ever had in a alien that was remotely humanoid like was being replayed in his head as he fought Oriana.

Everyone thought that without the Omnitrix, Ben was helpless.. well he was proving them wrong.

Ben let out one final vicious punch straight into Oriana's face and knocked her to the ground. He shook his hand, "Maybe I put a little too much into that?"

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now