The Final Chase

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Oriana Thomson knealt on one knee, sweating, she had been driven into a corner alright, she could already tell she was running out of options.. but she needed to delay these pursuers for just a little longer.. at least until the plan came to fruition..

Oriana looked at her little grimoire flipbook, it was already a quarter depleted of spells.. she wasn't sure how many more spells she'd have to cast to get away.. especially when she was going up against somebody who was efficient in negating them.. and another person who seemed to have an entire host of unpredictable shapeshifting forms to throw at her.

Oriana walked to the other end of the old crumbling room, and opened the window.. outside, she could see some clotheslines hanging, allowing a potential difficult escape... however, she didn't have time to use that, because at that moment, Tsuchimikado and Touma both busted into the room.

"Sorry, but we're not letting you go anywhere.." said Tsuchimikado with his usual sly grin. "So.. why don't you come quietly and give us the Croci Di Pietro before anyone get's hurt.. we know you don't have it.. but we also know that you know where it is.."

"Oh.. silly boys.." said Oriana stroking her own hair and batting her eyelashes. "You really have a knack for being so annoying."

Touma could already tell from his previous fight with this woman, that even without magic, she was quite formidable in hand to hand combat, probably not enough to keep up with inhuman fist fighters like Shocksquatch or Wildmutt, but definitely good enough to hold her own with plenty of street fighters.

"Hey, Motoharu.. block off the window.." said Touma. "I'll take the front.."

"Whatever suits your Big Sister complex.." said Tsuchimikado.

"I don't have a... never mind.." Touma muttered as he lunged at Oriana.

Oriana ducked a vicious right hook and let out a roundhouse kick at Touma's head.. which he blocked with his elbow.. the force of the kick sent Touma staggering back, however, he recovered quickly and ran to Oriana's right..

Oriana tore out some Grimoire pages and threw them at Touma.. who lashed out his right hand and instantly destroyed them with a touch.

Touma then lashed out another right hook and this time it smacked straight into Oriana Thomson's jaw, causing her to reel back a bit before awkwardly recovering.

Oriana wiped a bit of blood from her chin. "You're quite forceful aren't you? Wanna kiss with that punch?"

Touma grinned. "Well I wouldn't mind, but I think it'll be better if you give my fist a smooch first.. it's flavored with fighting spirit.."

"You'll definitely be amusing.." Oriana tore a page from her grimoire book, and the earth around her morphed into some sort of black wave that rippled towards Touma.

Touma slashed his right hand through the spell, shattering it like class. "You said in our last fight.. that your desire is to through this to make everyone happy... but let me ask you.. how the hell is disbalancing everything going to do that!?"

"You wouldn't understand." said Oriana. "As long as too sides continue to war against each other that's how it always will be. The magic and science sides have stood at odds for too long. As long as religion and science stand against each other, the world's peace can never be achieved. If the control of Academy City is at least given over peacefully by the Croci Di Pietro to the Roman Catholic Church, there will no longer be war, whatever side is in power.. that will pave a way to humanity's happiness."

"You don't know that!" said Touma. "You're just assuming!!"

"Kamy-yan's right Thomson.." said Tsuchimikado. "There's a reason why science and magic have never yet merged.. not on this planet at least... nobody's ready for it.. to assume that one side being in control will bring peace is not the answer, and you can still stop your so called assumptions before it's too late for all of us."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now