Married and Kids

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Cheryl POV

"Ok Toni baby you have to stay with me don't leave me okay,we're almost there." I cry as I pressure Toni's bullet wound as Fangs drives to the hospital. "how far away are we?" I ask "10 minutes." He says "DRIVE FUCKING FASTER MY GIRLFRIEND IS DYING!!" i yell at him

"Toni listen to me,you can't leave me I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Get married,have a ton of kids,go on trips,and more." I cry "r-r-really?" she stutters "oh my god yes that's it keep responding to me ok. Can you do that for me?" I ask and she nods her head yes

"Ok TT do y-you think you can't say my name?"I cry,she didn't respond "TT!" I yell shaking her still no response "Fangs I swear to god i will KILL YOU IF YOU DONT DRIVE FUCKING FASTER!!" i scream from the back seat

He pulled into the hospital and parked the car and I carried Toni in "SOMEONE HELP MY GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN SHOT!" I yell as they bring out a stretcher. They started taking her away as I followed them "ma'am your not allowed to come with us." the lady says

"No I'm coming who knows what's gonna happen to her." I say "ma'am this is our job let us do it." She says as the pull Toni into the room. I go back to the waiting room "Fangs I'll be outside I'm about to call my mom." I told him

"Hello Cheryl where are you it's 1 in the morning?" my mom asks concerned "I know and I'm sorry but Toni's in the hospital." I cry "why w-what happened?" my mom loves Toni to death so this is gonna hurt her

"um w-we...." "y'all were what Cheryl?" "we were leaving the amusement park and we stopped to get gas. Me and Toni went into the store while Fangs pumped gas. Then.." I stopped as my breath got heavy and started to cry more

"then a man came in the store to buy whatever,as we were in line h-he.....he slapped my butt and grabbed it. Toni being the protective person she is got into a-an argument with him and pun-punched him." at this point I was crying hard as ever

"h-he... he left the store a-and he came back w-with" I took a deep breath "and he came back with a g-gun and h-he shot her in her side" I cry "I picked her up and carried her out to the car and told Fangs to go to the nearest hospital." I rushed out and said

"Oh my god Cheryl what hospital are y'all at your father and I are in the way,and call Toni's parents." I can hear the hurt in her voice "we're at Lakeshore General Hospital and o-ok I'll call them right now." I hung up the phone and call Toni's parents

"Hi Mr.Topaz are you with Mrs.Topaz?" I asked sniffing "yes she's right here- hold on... okay honey your on speaker." He says "I'm sorry to bother the both of you but u-um Toni is in the hospital can you come down here?" I ask

"what happened and what hospital are you at? We're getting in the car right now." Mrs.Topaz says,I told them the hospital then told them what happened. I hung up and went back inside to Fangs

"Anything?" I asked he shook his head no, 10 minutes later the doctor came up to us "Topaz?" "Yes that's us" fangs says "well she's in surgery so that's good,but..." "but,what do you mean but. There shouldn't be any if ands or buts." I cut her off

"I know miss,but the bullet got close to her heart and there's a 75 percent chance she won't make it." the doctor said "so there's a 25 percent chance she can make it?" I asked "ma'am I'm sorry I can't promise anything." She said and walked away. I started panicking and could barely keep my breathing together. I started having a panic attack

"Cheryl breath!" Fangs yells "i-i c-can't" I struggled to say as I cried and didn't realize Toni's and my parents came in "CHERYL!! oh my god Cheryl you have to calm down you have to breath!" my mom yells as she takes me outside and Mrs.Topaz followed

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