foster 2

839 20 5

previously on foster

"come on, let's watch a movie." cheryl smiled

" ok" toni smiled back

toni really hopes this is the family for her. they're so caring already, but toni knows not to trust first impressions sometimes


narrater pov

cheryl and toni spent the night watching movies and sharing a few laughs with each other. they ate popcorn and cookies until their stomachs were full.

toni insisted she'd sleep on the floor, but cheryl called non sense and demanded her to sleep in the bed with her.

by morning toni was cuddled under cheryl which the redhead didn't mind at all. toni was about to wake up as she feels her head on another body.

"i'm so sorry" toni apologies

"don't apologize, i don't mind" cheryl smiled

"how'd you sleep?"cheryl asked

"i slept good, you?"


there was silence between the two giving that toni was still taken aback that she clung on to the redhead in her sleep. she felt as it was embarrassing and that the redhead must've been oddly annoyed by her actions.

"we're going to go to a few stores today so you can gather the things you want for your room" cheryl smiled to her

"ok"toni slightly whispered

"we can also go shopping for you to get some clothes, and other regular room supplies"

"that's nice"toni smiled lightly

"girls, breakfast!!" penelope buzzed through the intercom in cheryl's room

"we're on our way down mom" cheryl buzzed back

"that's cool"

"i know right, your room has one also. we have them so we won't have to be yelling through out the entire house"

"let's go downstairs" cheryl added

toni felt very welcomed by the blossoms so far, but she's not letting he guard down. even though cheryl is such an easy person to talk to, and her soul seems very pure to toni.

she's not going to break yet, it's only the first day. she wonder where the father is, she has yet to see him around.

toni can't help but stare at cheryl. she's so beautiful, everything about her is stunning. she's absolutely flawless, toni would be lying if she said she wasn't the slightest attracted to the redhead.

toni and cheryl made it downstairs, taking in the smell of the amazing food that she was about to eat.

"mumzy, this smells amazing" cheryl smiled

"thank you dear, help yourselves. get as much as you want. after you're done, take your showers and get ready to leave."

"yes, mrs.blossom. thank you"toni felt that was the least she could say

"oh please dear, call me penelope" she smiled as she headed upstairs

toni and cheryl ate in silence giving glances to one other every once in a while

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