mafia 2

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i'm not even gon lie to y'all,i had to go read the first part to this again,which you may have to do. bc i be forgetting what i even write

cheryl pov

we walked in the house and she went straight to the refrigerator

"holy hell i'm hungry" she said looking through as i just stood and starred at her

"oooo yes!"she smiled and pulled out a lunchable

"what a child"i laughed under my breath

"excuse me? what did you call me?"she said in a mad tone

"i called you a child."

"why and what even is your name?"

"my name is cheryl and because out of everything thing i have in my refrigerator,you pick a lunchable."

"ok and? what about it?"

"baby how old are you?"i asked trying to be as nice as possible

"i'm seventeen,and i'm sure my parents will be mad if i don't come home."

"i don't give a fuck about your parents"i snickered

"whatever, im leaving."she said trying to walk out the front door,i then grabbed her arm yanking her back towards me

"baby girl you're not going anywhere without me. so i suggest i show you to our room."

i started walking up the stairs holding her hand
"i know how to fucking walk,without you holding me" she yelled and snatched her hand away

"watch your tone,i would hate for something to happen to you."


we made it up the stairs and walked in my room

"so this is our room,make yourself comfortable because it's where you'll be living for the rest of your life."i said as she looked around the room

she threw herself on the bed and started asking me questions "so how old are you? i told you my age."

"i'm 18"

"you're hot to be and eighteen year old. are you apart if the mafia or some shit? because this is definitely the vibe it's giving off"

"yes actually i am."

"oh. i thought y'all would be more possessive"

"oh baby trust me"i laughed lightly

"so is that why i can't be friends with veronica?"

"yes and no. you see veronica's family,the lodges are mafia enemy number one."

"wait wait wait,you're telling me my best friends family is apart of the mafia,your number one enemy,and she still didn't tell me?!"

"baby she's not your friend trust me,she's playing you. she probably was actually going after you,because she turns 18 in two days. luckily i'm older than her,so i got you before she did."

"you're talking like i'm some auction prize. explain please."

"so when the child of a mafia boss turns eighteen,you get to finally be apart of the action. when you turn eighteen the first thing you have to do is kidnap your soulmate,which as you can see i did."

"you think i'm your soulmate?"

"let me finish. veronica had probably been planning to kidnap you since y'all become friends which is?"

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