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✨⚠️ a little/💜💍/🐍🍒 Toni GIP I've never done one like this but i'll try

Cheryl POV
"fuck Toni your in my stomach" I moan as she fucked me from behind "good,that's where I'm supposed to be"she grunted as she kept going faster

"Daddy I'm gonna cum"I scream "hold it"she said sternly as she pushed my head down into the pillow,now my ass was just in the air

"You love getting fucked like this,you're daddy's little slut" "yes daddy I'm your slut"I moan "I'm gonna nut in this pretty pink pussy"she grunts "daddy please let me cum"I beg

"Cum"she said and we both came a the same time screaming each other's name "mm ow"I moan as she pulled out, "I wanna ride you"I say

"my queen go to sleep your tired"she said as we cuddled together and fell asleep

1 week later

Toni POV
I woke up to vomiting so I ran to the bathroom "aww my poor baby" I said and held her hair out of her face "are you sure you don't want to take any medicine?" I asked

"I'm sure babe"she said and stood up and I tried to kiss her"no don't kiss me I just threw up" "I don't care"I whine "well I do now let me brush my teeth

1 month later

Toni POV
We found out that Cheryl was pregnant so we told our parents and friends about it "TT are you going to leave me?" she asked "Cheryl why would you ask such a thing I'd never leave you" I said and kissed her cheek

"I don't know it's just that I'm going to be getting fat and have marks and that'll make me ugly" she cried "baby no,your not going to be ugly that's for starters your incredibly sexy and gorgeous. And your not going to get fat your caring a human in you so don't ever talk about my wife like that ok?"

"Ok"she smiles

4 months into pregnancy

Cheryl POV
A few months back me and Toni found out we were having twins which I'm super excited about. So today we are getting ready for the gender reveal that we had B&V plan.

"Ayevah(Ava) (I just like spelling simple names different) where are your moms?" Toni ask the 4 year old daughter of B&V "mommy's ohver dere" she pointed "thank you pretty girl" I smile holding Tonis hand

"Bets we're ready" Toni says "alright"she smiles "everyone gather around for the gender of the twins"Veronica says "ok so on the count of three just twist the thing"Betty says "ok we got it"Toni says

"Ok 1...........2............3!" Everyone yelled as pink confetti went into the air. People started to cheer as Toni picked me up and spun me around "I love you" she says and kisses me "I love you too"

7 months into pregnancy

Cheryl POV
Toni and I just got done with babies S and W nursery

"I'm so happy that your my wife and we have two beautiful baby girls on the way"Toni says and kisses me "I couldn't have asked for anything better"I smile

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"I'm so happy that your my wife and we have two beautiful baby girls on the way"Toni says and kisses me "I couldn't have asked for anything better"I smile

9 months into pregnancy

Toni POV
We're laying in bed and Cheryl's about to pop at any moment now "what do you want the girls to call you? Momma or Daddy?"cheryl asked

"They can call me mommy you're the only one who calls me daddy in this house"i smirked "oh really"she laughs and started kissing me

"Ugh ow"she whimpers "baby what's wrong" I asked "get the hospital bag my water just broke"she pants "ahhhhh"she screams

"Ok baby I put the bags and car seats in the car come on." I say and picked her up "Toniiiii"she screams as I got her into the car

We arrived at the hospital "help my wife is going into labor"I yell as they came with a wheel chair. They took her into a room and checked her "ok your 5 centimeters dilated so rest and when you wake up you'll be ready to give birth"the doctor smiles

3 hours later

Cheryl POV
"Ahhhhhhh"I scream as I'm pushing out baby one "come on Cheryl almost there"I hear the doctor say so I gave another push until I heard crying "oh my god"I cry "it's a girl"one doctor says as another is getting ready to get baby two

"Ok Cheryl push for me" they said and I push as hard as I can and started crying "ahhhh" "baby you got this" Toni said "TONI I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU GET ME PREGNANT AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU"I screamed as I was pushing

"Just one more push and your done" I pushed again but I didn't hear anything "what's wrong,why don't I hear her crying?" I asked as they ran across the room but didn't answer me "what the hell is going on"Toni yelled

"She wasn't crying so that means-" "she's not breathing"I cut her off and started crying "no no no no no no"Toni said and started crying also "please save my baby"i cried out "oh my god"Toni cried as she covered her mouth

Then we heard faint cries "she's breathing"a doctor yelled"thank god"I say as Toni kisses me

15 minutes later

"Do y'all have names?" A doctor asked "yes we do,the first born is Wynter Reign Topaz and the second born is Summer Oaklei Topaz" I say "those are beautiful names" "thank you" Toni says

"Baby I'm so proud of you"Toni says as she's rocking Wynter "you know I can tell Summer is going to be a mommy's girl"Toni laughs "why because I'm holding her? I asked confused

"No" she replied "it's because of what happened isn't it?" I asked "yea,you're going to be super protective over her after what happened today" Toni says "I don't want that to define her TT"

"I know but Wynter can me a momma's girl"she laughs "Cheryl you don't mean what you said do you?" "Why do you mean?" "You said if I get you pregnant again you'll kill me" "of course I didn't mean that. I want plenty of kids with you Toni Topaz."

"I love you Cher"

"I love you too TT"

Yeah this probably was bad 😂but vote and comment your requests. Um I hate Tonis nana with a passion just to let you guys know🤪sorry for any spelling errors

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