professor morgan

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i'm gonna try my best with this bc my smut stories suck ass...soooo yea

nessa pov

"hello class,im professor morgan and i'm your english teacher for this semester. once i get settled i'll let you guys ask me some questions for about thirty minutes,then we'll get started on the lesson."i said as i walked into my college class of students

they talked amongst themselves as i set my things up and i was ready to answer some questions.

"ok let's make this fast,who wants to go first?" i asked and almost all of them wanted to ask me something

"uhh you in the blue shirt. please state your name and your question."i said as i pointed at the girl

"Lili Reinhart,uhm my question is what college did you attend and what degree do you have?"

"i actually attended NYU and got my bachelors degree to get my professor title. and now i'm able to teach college students aka you guys" i smiled

"ok,next. yea you in the green"i added

"Austin Butler and my question is how old are you?"he asked and smirked

"i'm 26,too old for you"

"come in baby girl let me take you out"he said as the other boys whistled

"i'm too old for you,plus i don't swing your way"i smiled at him and i got a lot of "ouuss"from the class "next pls,and just blurt out your question. one at a time pls though"

"what exactly is your sexuality ma'am?"some girl asked me

"lesbian,thank you." i smiled and waited for more questions

"you know petsch over there is a lesbian too"some dark haired kid said pointing across the room

"and what might your name be sir?"i asked the boy

"oh i'm Charles,but you can call me daddy."he winked

"'re acting like you're in high school. what year of college are you all on?"i asked

"third"they said in unison

"well everyone is in their third year but petsch"charles said

"ok,which one of you is petsch? because apparently charles loves saying your name"i laughed as they all turned to look at a redheaded woman with beautiful pale skin. did i mention her hair is amazing

"i'm petsch."she said blankly and waved her hand for me to see

"interesting,what's your first name ms.petsch?"

"madelaine"she said and looked down

"and you're a freshman?"i asked intrigued

"yes ma'am."

"nice to know"i smirked knowing i'm gonna pick on her for it

"it's a good thing though don't worry a first year in a third year class,impressive. now that's enough questions time to work,im not telling you what is important or not so you better start writing down everything i say. i teach at a fast pace,you keep up and pay attention you pass. you slack and try to turn in assignments late,you don't pass. simple as that,got it?"i said as they all sat there quietly

"got it?" i repeated myself

"yes ma'am"they said and i started to teach

an hour into the class and some of them can keep up the others are struggling a bit. but i don't care this isn't high school. now it's time to pick on petsch a little bit

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