baseball mom

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choni/smut i gave up on the emojis

cheryl pov

"yessss jax runn!!!" i yelled as my 11 year old son hit the baseball into the outfield

"run boyyyy" my husband yelled

"yesssssss"i screamed as he slid into second base

"mommy stop screaming"my 6 year old daughter told me

"babe your brother hit the ball pretty far,that's why me and daddy are screaming for him"

"oh"she said and started playing games on my phone

i looked around trying to find my other two kids

"nevaeh where are averi and parker?"i asked looking around

"they went to the ice cream truck"she answered not looking up from my phone

"man i'm tired of those two"

"sweetie calm down and plus jax is about to steal"my husband said and kissed my head and i turned back to the game

i saw his coach give him the steal sign again,then i looked into the crowd and spotted a beautiful brown skinned woman with pink highlights. i hadn't noticed i was starring until we made eye contact she smiled and turned to look back at the game.

i looked back at jax and he'd already stole third base,but i was still worried because dumb kid 1 and dumb kid 2 haven't came back yet

"baby i'm gonna go look for averi and parker"i told him

"ok,be safe. and watch your surroundings."he said

"i will"i assured and kissed him

i walked to the ice cream truck and they weren't there,so i started looking around. i saw parker talking to the pink haired beauty i spotted earlier,so i walked over to them

"parker what the hell are you doing? ma'am i'm so sorry these are my daughters,please don't pay them any mind"i said while pinching the back of parker's arm

"ow,mom that hurts"she whined

"you two go back over there with dad and neveah,and parker i told you to stop taking averi every where with you"

they walked back over to my husband then i turned back to the mystery woman

"i'm so sorry about my daughters they're 15 and 9"

"it's ok it's really no big deal"she laughed

"soooo what number is your son?"i asked

"oh noooo,i'm no parent i'm here for my brother and he's number 5"

"oh,i'm sorry"

"what number are you here for?"

"oh number 3,my son jax"i smiled

"oh,he's really good."

"thank you"

"are you single?" "i'm gonna head back to my husband" we said at the same time

"i'm so sorry,i won't hold you long. go back to your family"she smiled and i walked back to jaxson and the kids

"where'd you find them at?"jaxson asked

"parker was talking to some stranger,i guess she was trying to get with her. i don't know?"

"i've talked to her about that already,i'm taking her shit away"he said

"babe it's ok i'll handle it when we get home"

we sat and screamed,yelled,and booed for the rest of jax's game. we got in the car,but i realized i left my phone.

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