pool party

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choni/angst/fluff ig idk

toni pov
"pool party at my place tomorrow be there by 4" i announced at lunch so everyone knew.but anyways i'm toni topaz daughter of my parents,we're stupid rich and i'm very great full for everything i have.

"yo topaz can i stay over tonight? since tomorrow is saturday and your pool party?"sweet pea asked

"yea sure"i smiled

you see i have this thing with sweets going on well and jughead too. not fangs cause he's gay,i'm bisexual you see mostly attracted to women though. but when the opportunity for dick comes up,i'm taking it. not from just anyone though!

"what you thinking about tones?"fangs asked

"how she wants to pound cheryls shit"jughead laughed

"shut up jugdick"i said and threw a fry at him

cheryl is my crush you can say,jugdick and sweet pea both know i have a crush on her but i'm still getting dick. they both know i have sex with one another,we've had a few threesomes here and there. back to cheryl,she's not really a nerd but she's super quiet. i haven't talked to her,but i've talked to her best friend veronica and her cousin...i don't know her name. oh and speaking of her here she comes

"hey guys are we meeting at the worm tonight?" the unknown name of the girl said

"beefy is it?"i asked

"it's betty"

"so beefy. yea beefy just cause your mom is a serpent doesn't mean we're your friends"i said

"fine whatever but i'm coming to the pool party tomorrow"she said and got up

"whatever, and oh beefy bring that hot redhead friend of yours"i smirked

"will do"she said and walked away

"damn tryna get in redhead panties before you know her?"fangs said as i shrugged my shoulders and laughed

cheryl pov

i was at bettys house after school because she told me she had to tell me something important,which i highly doubt is even important.

"cheryl good you're here"betty said and closed her room door

"what's so important that you have to tell me in person and not through a text message?"

"toni topaz"she said as i freaked out bc either betty told her that i like her or even that i existed

"she knows who you are!"she screamed

"wait, how? why? what?"i asked confused

"during my lunch wave toni announced she's having a pool party at hers tomorrow. so afterwards i went to her table and made small talk since i knew her through my mom. so i told her i was coming to the pool party tomorrow and she told meeeeeee....."

"told you what netty?!"i yelled

"you know my name"she scolded

"what did she say!?"

"i dont think you deserve to know anymore"

"ok damn bitch i'm sorry,now what did she say??"

"ok she said 'bring that hot redhead friend of yours"betty finished

"are you serious?"i asked shocked as betty nodded her head fast

"she knows i exist!!and she called me hot?!"i said excited. you see i'm not the most social person at school,i'm not a nerd. i mean i am but not nerd nerd,i'm just quiet and i keep to myself

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