You Deserve Better

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🍒🐍/⚠️⚠️⚠️mention rape/harm

This Chapter was recommended by @Topaz-Blossom hope you like it🤪

Cheryl POV

Toni has been really distanced from me lately,she won't hug me,she won't kiss me,and she barely talks to me. We're in biology and we are lab partners so I decided to ask what wrong.

"TT what's wrong you've been so distanced from me lately?"

"Cheryl it's nothing really now can we cut this frog please?"

"Y-yea s-sure."I stuttered out and I started to tear up "may I go to the restroom please"

"Yes hurry back" the teacher tells me and I walked to the restroom.

When I got to the restroom I made sure nobody else was in here and locked the door. I looked in the mirror and started thinking 'am I not good enough?' 'does she not care for me anymore?' 'am I too ugly for her?'

were the questions I asked myself as I started crying. I went into one of the stalls and pulled the pocket knife I had in my purse out. Then pulled up my skirt and started cutting myself on my inner thighs

I tried to make my cries as silent as possible so no one would hear me. I started cutting myself after Nick St. Clair raped me a year ago. When that happened I felt helpless and lonely.

and of course I was with Toni but I was scared she'd leave me if I told her. Which is probably why she's distanced from me because I told her what happened a week ago

I got caught up in crying and cutting I forgot I was at school,I washed my hands and when I walked out the restroom I saw the cops taking Toni out the class with handcuffs on

"T-toni what's going on?" I asked panicking

"Nothing baby just go back to class or go home"

"No I'm not leaving until I know what your being arrested for?"

"Ma'am can you please get out of the way?" One of the officers asked

"Not until I know what she's being arrested for!"

"Toni Topaz is under arrest for the murder of Nick St. Clair."he says bluntly as he pulled her to the doors of the school

"W-what t-that's no-not tr-true"I stutter crying "is I-it TT?"

she just looks me in my eyes as he pushes her in the cop car

"TT i-I'm gonna get you out ok,don't worry baby." I reassure her

As the cop car pulled off I followed them to the police station

Toni POV

Your probably wondering if I did kill Dick St. Sicko,well I did and I don't feel bad about it

He put my baby through hell and I wouldn't dare let something like that slide. I know I'll get out because it was basically self defense

The only reason I've been distanced from Cheryl is because I killed someone,I mean he deserved it.

I also didn't tell Cheryl because she would be mad I killed him,but happy she knew I loved and cared for her

We pulled up to the police station and he dragged me out the car and into the building,he walked me to the back and threw me in a cell

Cheryl POV

I jumped out my car an ran into the building,I walked to the front desk to see if I can talk to Toni

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