Game Night

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🐍🍒/⚠️✨ basic nerd and badass story,buttttttttttttttttt 2.0😏😏

Toni POV
"Hay T I'm hosting a game night for the couples tonight. Do you and Cheryl wanna come?"Veronica asked me at my locker

"yeah,sure we'll be there"I smiled.

The bell rung and I walked in class to see my sexy ass girlfriend already there,I walked to her and kissed her cheek "hay babygirl" I said and she blushed

"hi Toni"she responded with no enthusiasm may I add

"what's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry TT I'm just stressed and reviewing for this test we are about to take"she assured me

"wait we have a test??"i asked clueless "yes"she laughed

"Ok students since I'm pretty sure no one studied for the test-"

"I did"Cheryl cut her off

"Shut the hell up nerd"Reggie yelled

"Don't yell at my girlfriend you dick!"

"TOPAZ LANGUAGE!"the teacher yelled "as I was saying I'm pushing the test to tomorrow so we will watch a movie today. Feel free to move the desk and sit on the floor,I have blankets in the closet up here."she finished as Cheryl moved our desk and I got us a blanket

We are watching Sandlot and in the middle of the movie Cheryl sat in my lap and moaned in my ear "I want you to fuck me right now"

I bit my lip and responded "we will get caught babe"

"We are in the back of the class no on is going to see and i will be a good girl"she smirked and I gave in

I started rubbing my hand up and down her thigh hearing her breath hitch every time I go up. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down her zipper and slipped my hand in her pants. I discovered she had no underwear on under her jeans

"No panties baby? You must want this so bad you little freaky girl"I whisper in her ear

"Toni don't tease"she moaned as I rubbed her clit

So I shoved two finger in her and I heard her squeal to hold in a moan

"Ahhh fuck"she moaned in my ear as I pumped my fingers at a fast pace

I added a third finger and started leaving kisses on her neck

"uhhh"she quietly moaned as I went faster

No body knew what we were doing because they either was sleep or too invested in the movie

"I'm gonna cum"she said and I pulled out

"TT what the fuck"she whispered yelled

"What's wrong did I do something wrong"I asked pretending like I didn't know what she was talking about

"I hate you"she said and got out my lap

The bell ring and finally I could go home. "Oh babe Veronica invited us to a couples game night and I told her we're going"

"Ok that's alright"she said flatly

We got in the car and she just looked out the window

"Cher are you seriously that upset?"I asked and she didn't even move



"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom,if you don't answer me I'm not pulling out of this parking lot"

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