new kid

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choni/fluff -angst idk

requested by choni_x100

Get some chips and a juice Bc this kinda long🤪3,816 words my god

Cheryl POV
"Let me go!"I scream as I was tied up on a bed in my panties and bra

"things don't work like that babe,you see I know exactly who you are"

yeah this is the current situation I'm in so let me tell you how I got there

Earlier that day

"Cheryl dear get up time to go to school." My mom says and pull the covers off of me

"I could've been naked"

"Oh shut up I used to change your diaper,now get up and get ready for school"she laughs

"Mommmmmmmm"I groan

"Come on dear it's just a new school I'm sure you'll fit right in"

"By fit right in you mean be an outcast because I'm new"I smile

"Ugh nooo now go get dressed,you even might find you a girlfriend"she smirks

"Get out!"I laugh and throw a pillow at her

"Just saying!"she yells walking downstairs

Yep that's the worlds most embarrassing mom Penelope Blossom,she's always told me when I found a girlfriend she going to spend more time with her and not me. classic right?

Moving from Chicago to Riverdale was a lot, I left a lot of "good friends" but mommy never liked them anyway.

I got done getting dressed and headed downstairs

"Penelope you were right,I totally thinks she trying to find a girlfriend"

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"Penelope you were right,I totally thinks she trying to find a girlfriend"

"Dad!"I yell

Yep that's my dad the reason why were in Riverdale,he felt like nobody would know us here because of....never mind

"You need me to drive you to school sweetie"

"Nope mom I'm fine I can drive my own car"

"Cheryl we just don't want you to feel nervous or feel unwanted in the school" my dad says

"I'm pretty sure I'll be unwanted if my parents drop me off"I laugh

"Fine,ok" my moms laughs

"I'm gonna head out bye love you." I said and walked out the door and got into the car

Let's hope this new school is good,well mom and dad says it's the best school here in Riverdale fingers crossed

I pull up to this huge school and get out of my car "check out the new hottie" one boy whistles "bro she's definitely hotter than Veronica and her crew" and other one said

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