Date Night 2

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🍒🐍/✨🥺 here's part 2 peopleeeee

Cheryl POV

My mom and dad have been on the hunt to find Toni,to be honest I think it's a little extra but then again they're my parents. I don't even bother to try to reach out to her,for all I know she probably ran away with Veronica or some shit.

"Cheryl you have to go to school today"a familiar voice said and I instantly knew who it was

"JJ you're back!"I yelled and went to hug him

"Nana told me what's been going on"

"Yeah it's stupid I don't know why mom and dad are being over dramatic"I chuckle

"I get it,but you have to understand that as parents for them your heart got broken and they never wanted that to happen. All they want are explanations" he finished

"What explanations JJ? She cheated on me,she doesn't love me anymore that's all the explanation we need! What other explanation could there be?" I semi yelled and sat on my bed

"Cheryl" he said at sat on the bed

"JJ,I don't understand. Did I do something wrong,am I too ugly for her?"I cry

"Cheryl don't say that you're beautiful! Don't ever let an ex or anyone get to you like that. I understand that you loved her with your entire heart and she broke you. I think you should talk to her Cheryl,you don't have to do it in person just call,text,or hell leave a voicemail or something. Because I think things need to end off on a positive note. I'm not saying to be her friend or get back with her,just have a civilized conversation and you don't have to talk to her anymore"

"Ok I'll try"I said as I wiped my tears

"Now get to school"

"nooooo you can't tell me what to do"

"Cheryl last time I checked I was 8 years older than you, sweetie your 17 still a teen. Now listen to the adult in this room"he laughed

"Shut the hell up"I chuckle

"I'm kidding you don't have to go to school"he laughed and walked out my room

Laying down I realized that Toni and I were the schools it couple,everyone is going to be devastated but oh well she cheated on me


Cherylblossom// I hate you guys had to find out like this,but Toni and I are no longer together

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Cherylblossom// I hate you guys had to find out like this,but Toni and I are no longer together. I'm keeping this topic private but I felt like you guys should know🥺❤️

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I posted this and 10 minutes later I got a text

Riverdale Hoes-Kev,Betty,Veronica,Cheryl,Jughead,Toni,Archie,Josie,Fangs,SP

Kev: WTFFFFFF Choni no more?🥺

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