dorm mate

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i've never seen a one shot done like this but i just thought it would be funny

nessa pov

"mads! have you seen my pink jeans?" i yelled through our dorm room

"look for yourself, and its madelaine for you" she sassed back

"whatever, im going to go get ice from the head building. try not to go through my underwear drawer"i smirked

"pfff as if. i caught you the other night sniffing my hair while i was reading a book weirdo!"

"that was one timeeeeeee. and i wanted to see if it smelt like actual grapefruits" i argued back

"leave!"she yelled at me as i walked out the door.

mannn that woman,i know she has feelings for me i just know it. we've been sharing a dorm for three years of college now,which i'm starting to think the administration just wants me to suffer the headache that is clear madelaine.

it's like this beautiful person then when she talks it's like a fucking wrath or some shit. she acts likes this mean ass person,which she is at times. i've seen her around her friends though and she's really nice to them.

but i don't know,she's so complicated. i've been trying to figure her out for three years and the i things i know are her name,birthday,and friends. i want to get to know more about her, and her past and what she wants for her future.

mads pov

"hay guys."i said to lili and taylor as they walked into my dorm

"where's your secret admirer?"lili asked

"please,she's a child. looks and acts like one"

"oh come on mads admit it."taylor said

"admit what?"

"that you like your roommate."

"so disappointing of you to think i'd set my standards so low. i can't even remember her name half of the time."i said truthfully

"oh damn"taylor sighed

"i'm in college to be a doctor,not to settle for someone who can't even make ramen noodles correctly. did you know she forgot to put water in the bowl,who the fuck forgets to put water with noodles?!!" i replied slightly raising my tone

"ohhhh and don't get me started with the dirty laundry and junk food wrappers on her bed bug infested mattress" i added

"mads it sounds like you really can't stand her." lili laughed

"i cannot,i've been trying to get a different dorm mate since FRESHMAN YEAR LILI!!"

the door slammed open with francesca barging in

"you know what madelaine,how could i ever think you were a nice person. and the audacity of me to still be in love with you is fucking crazy. but guess what? you won't have to deal with any of my dirty laundry,candy wrappers, and not knowing how to cook noodles. your personality sucks ass,you're rude as fuck. so you can take that shit and shove it up your ass,because i am done with you!!"she yelled while packing her stuff

"great! lili,taylor,wanna move in?"i asked the two girls on my bed. before i could look back at the creature i was hit in the face with a duffel bag

"seriously madelaine!! what the fuck is your problem. you're so fucking stuck up and selfish and it's not cute. you can sit here and chat about me to your friends,say that shit to my face and not when i'm picking up ice!!"

"oh bitch you're asking for it now!"i jumped off my bed and got in her face

"say it to my face."

"you're. a. snob. there!"i said looking i to her eyes

vanessa pov

as soon as she finished her sentence i slapped her right in the face. and we started fighting,i grabbed her by the back of her hair and started uppercutting the bitch. she grabbed my legs and slammed me to the ground. she then started to punch me in my stomach as i still had her hair punching the back of her head in. her fucking friends just sat there,which i don't give two fucks so i can beat the toca bell out this bitch.

"LET MY FUCKING HAIR GO!!"she yelled still punching me

i used all my strength to try to stand up. when i finally could stand up we both were throwing fists. i wrapped my hand in her hair and slung her ass to the corner of the wall. she fell to the ground as i beat the shit out of her then that's when her friends got mad and decided to jump in.

"BITCH LET GO OF HER!!" one of them yelled as they punched my back and pulled my hair. but i still had my hands on madelaine,i gave her one good stomp in the face then turned to her friends who were still hitting at me occasionally.

they wanted to jump and guess what they did. but not for long i just gave on of them a black eye and broke the others finger.

finally all the fighting stopped madelaine cried about her fucking face being ruined,don't really give a fuck. lili crying cause she got a black eye, again don't give a fuck. then taylor side eyeing be bc i beat the shit out her friends and broke her finger,well once again i don't give a fuck.

as i was about to walk out w my stuff madelaine yelled at me "YOU PUSSY ASS BITCH, YOU FUCKING PULLED MY HAIR THE WHOLE TIME YOU HOE!"

"ok and what about it?"i sassed

"YOU A FUCKING PUSSY,THAT WAS A PUSSY ASS MOVE."she said and spat in my face

"i wild start swinging on yo ass again,but you already got too much damage done to you with no shield." i said and walked out the dorm

ik this sucked ass i just wanted to write them fighting lmao. i'm not a fan of violence but this is just a one shot idea that came to mind

pls vote and sorry for any spelling errors

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