What Are The Odds

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^^^stop my wife is so fineeee😍😍🙈

Cheryl POV

"Cheryl you have to find someone"Betty says

"what if I don't want to be in a relationship right now cousin,did you ever think about that?"I whispered yelled while we sat on her bed doing homework

"Literally everyone in our friend group has a partner but you"

"I don't consider ya'll as friends"

"Shut up,but come on! I have Archie,Veronica has Reggie,Jug has Tabitha,and you're the lone wolf"(yeah I ship barchie.....what ab it😌💀😂)

"What if I like being the lone wolf?"

"Ok fine, what are the odds you'll download a dating app and find someone today"Betty smirked

"Yeah. No I'm not doing that,do I look old to you!!!"

"Come on,what are the odds"

"Fine between 1 and 8"I sigh


"5"we both said at the same time

"Shit"I yelled

"Yayyyy download it right now"

"Calm down you dingbat,I'm gonna download it"

I download the stupid dating app and started to set up my profile

"Ok so what's your name?"

"Betty are you dumb?"

"No it's what the app is asking you pussy eater"

"Are you sexuality shaming me"I put my hand on my chest and acted offended

"Oh shut up and put your name"

"Ok so I lie about my age?"I asked

"What?? No! We don't want you ending up with a 47 year old bastard"

"Yeah you're right"I nod

"And here just type things about you."Betty smiled

"Got it"

Cheryl Blossom16I'm in high school,I live in Riverdale,and I'm a lesbian

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Cheryl Blossom
I'm in high school,I live in Riverdale,and I'm a lesbian.

"Cheryl"Betty says in a serious tone


"Change your profile picture"

"whyyyyy I like it,I love to make them cry when I tell them I'm a lesbian"I laugh

"Change it!"she said sternly

"Ok fine"I said and changed it

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