Date Night

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This was a writing contest against my best friend slaughtermesnixx we wrote on the same topic for this one shot so click her @ to see which one shot you liked better. The title on hers is Make it up


Cheryl POV

I was sitting in my bed finishing up some last minute work I had to do for this dumb ass teacher,I was almost done until I got a text from Toni

My World♥️😩
Hay my love,I'm taking you out tonight dress comfortable and meet me at sweet water river at seven💕

Ooooo ok,see you at seven bby🥰

I looked at the time and it was 3:18 so I took a nap woke up at 5:27,I got up and took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on comfortable clothes like she told me to and headed down stairs.

 I put on comfortable clothes like she told me to and headed down stairs

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(Minus the plaid jacket)

"Mom,I'm going out with Toni I'll be back soon!"I yelled grabbing my keys "ok sweetie be home by 1 no later and tell Toni I said hi"she said cleaning the kitchen "ok mom I will,love you" "love you too honey be safe"

I got in my car and texted Toni

Bby I'm otw can't wait to see you,it's been two days🥺

The message sent and I headed to sweet water river,I made a few stops to get candy and stuff just in case we get hungry. I pulled up to the river and saw this cute little set up but Toni wasn't here,so I texted her

TT I'm here where are you?

I went and sat inside the little tent she had up and ate some of the cherries,then a sandwich,and maybe some of the chocolate covered strawberries. Ten minutes had passed and I texted Toni again

I hope you don't mind I ate some of the food alr lmao😂
TT where are you?
This food is delicious I'd hate to eat it by myself
Everything is here the only thing missing is you🥺
If you didn't want to show up why schedule a date???

I was honestly getting upset at the fact she planned the date but stood me up,what sense does that  make?' I waited for her a few more minutes but she never came,I heard rain drops hitting the tent,when I got out it was pouring raining

"Just great."I whispered under my breath,it took me a while to get back to my car because i parked on the other side of the river. I started running to my car,but slipped and fell in mud "fuck!"I yelled. I got up and walked the rest of the way to the car,I got in the car and immediately turned the heater on. I turned on the radio and sat in the car for a while,I thought about texting Toni again but what's the point she's not gonna answer anyway

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