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requested by ChoniLover982

toni pov

i was sitting in my office at riverdale high until there was a knock at my door "come in" i said loud enough for them to hear me.

the door opened and archie walked in "what's up andrews?" i asked

"hey toni,i was trying to see if you could come help on the mines this afternoon? we have to get done as soon as possible,so we need as many hands as possible." he asked

"sure,i'm in what time do i need to be there?"

"when you get off. is that ok?"

"yea totally,i'll just stop by the house to change into other clothes"i smiled

"thank you toni"

"no problem andrews,now get out of my office!"

after work

i arrived at the mines and they were already staring to begin on the work,so i found archie and followed in line

"hey kev,i didn't take you as the digging type."i laughed

"very funny toni,but although you have known i am the digging type"he rolled his eyes and pushed the back of my head.

we were working for about five hours non stop now until one of the men walked over to us "cheryl said we can stop" some of the men put their tools down,but archie and i kept going

it was only archie and i left in here,we weren't really that tired so we continued digging until there was a loud boom and rock's started to fall blocking our exit way.

cheryl pov

i was talking with kevin until everyone outside the mines saw the cave collapse. "OH MY GOD,who the hell was left in there?!?"i yelled

"archie and toni!!"kevin yelled

"wait toni?? she's in there??"i asked

"yea,she was one of the first ones here"kevin said

"shit"i cursed myself and started to hyperventilate

"kevin call the fire department."i said faintly feeling myself get dizzy

"cheryl!"i heard a voice say quietly. there was a ringing noise and that was the last thing i heard.

kevin pov

"shit! fuck! ok you guys start moving rocks and i'll try to get cheryl up. fangs call the fire department"i yelled instructions and everyone started to move.

i picked up cheryl and sat her on the back of my truck. i started light and put an ice pack of her forehead. apparently that didn't work,so i started slashing water on her little by little. i was getting annoyed that she wasn't waking up so i took a bucket of water and poured it on her.

"TONI! IS SHE OK?!"she sat up and yelled

"it worked"i smiled annoyed

"is she out??"she asked concerned

"of the closet?? yes. cave? no."

"bitch that's not what i meant."she said and hopped off my truck then ran back to the mines

toni pov

"have you ever felt your toesssss?"archie asked

"what the helllll are toessss"

"on your feet dumbasssss"

"i have feet?"i asked and looked down "holy shittttt i dooooo"

"brooooo,i still have mad feelings for cheryl"i said to him sloppily

"i know blackieee"

"archieee you can't say thatttt"

"why nottt"

"because your white dummyyyy"i said and he looked down at his arm

"oh shit you're right"he said and we both started laughing

"but for reallll,i just can't control my feelingssss brooo. she's just so beautifulllllll"

"ouuuuu cheryllll,i love you betchhh. i love your face betchhhh,your body is so perfect betchhhh,ouuuu i won't ever stop loving you-"

"betchhh"archie cut me off and sang

"hahahaha argghhhh"i laughed

"since when we're you a pirateeeeee"he asked

"when i fucked your mommmm on the boat"

"uughhhhgg,you fucked my mommmm?"he gasp

"do you feel highhhh"i asked

"yeaaaa,i was gonna ask you that. buttt i forgot"

"giraffe im kinda sleepyyyy"i yawned

"that's not my name tanya!!! my name is...what the hell is my name?"he said and we both started laughing

cheryl pov

the fire department arrived at the mines and started breaking down the rocks blocking the entrance.

"shit why the hell was she in there anyway"i cried in my hands

"we're getting somewhere!"one of the fire fighters yelled

"hello is anyone in here,and how many?"they yelled

there was a very faint voice coming from the caves,it sounded like toni. but i'm not so sure

toni pov

i saw light coming from the exit of the mines so i tried to get up but my body was very faint. when i heard men yelling i built the strength to get up and walk to it

"there's two people,one male the other female"i said through the crack

"ma'am step back"the said to me and i did more than stepped back. i backed up to the other end of the mines until the were done pulling all the rocks down.

people started to run in to check on us

"toni? where are you?"i heard a voice that i knew so familiar "cher"i said as she ran to me then hugged me tightly

"oh my god,are you ok? is anything broken?"she asked and let go of the hug

"nope nothings broken,but my back needs to be"i smirked at her

"you've been stuck in here and still manage to get out a dirty joke."she laughed

she guided me out of the mines and to the fire fighters to check for wounds.

45 minutes later
cheryl pov

"toni i didn't know you were in the mines"i said as we sat in toni's car

"archie asked me to help and i wanted to."

"cheryl,when i was in the mines archie and i were talking. we may we're a bit high from low oxygen but i remember everything. even him calling me a blackie"

"what!!??"i yelled

"but besides the point,i still have heavy feelings for you cheryl and i don't think they're going anywhere."she smiled at me

ok this sucks ass but whateverrrr i really tried writing i just have been studying for my pre act,i take that shit tmr too🙃

vote pls and sorry for any spelling errors

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