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This was requested by @its_chonibish

Toni POV
I'm at school and I'm really trying not to run into Cheryl we're not dating but she's super toxic. But I like it also oh my god. "Hey babe"Cheryl says and slaps my ass

"ow that's shit hurts." I whispered yelled "that's just the beginning of your punishment babe" she smirks "what do you mean? And don't call me babe!" "I saw you kissing that boy what's his name? Oh Kyle,yeah i taught him his lesson already."

"What the hell did you do!! We're not even dating so why are you mad!" I yell "keep your voice down" she said sternly as she choked me against the lockers. I'd being lying if I said I didn't get a little wet

"My house after school" she says and lets my neck go and walk away. I honestly don't get Cheryl we're not even dating,but yeah I'm not going to her house after school. She's not my boss she's not even my girlfriend

School just ended

I walked outside to see Cheryl kissing that Veronica bitch I really don't understand her. I was walking to my bike until I saw Kyle "oh my god Kyle what the hell happened to you" I ask touching his face

"Ask your girlfriend she did this."he says pissed "Cheryl's not my girlfriend and can I come over to help clean the cuts?" "Yeah whatever"we got in his car and headed to his house "I'm really sorry for what she did"

"It's ok,it's not your fault." "But it is,she saw us kissing and lost her shit. I don't know why because we're not even together" I chuckled

We're sitting on his couch and I'm cleaning the cuts and I kiss them when I'm done. I looked him in the eyes and started leaning in but he stopped me "want Cheryl say something about this?" "I don't think she'll even know." I smirk and kissed him

Cheryl POV
"Where the hell is she?!"I yell and punch the wall "shit" I whimpered as my hand started bleeding. I started calling her phone "Toni answer the fucking phone!" But it went straight to voicemail

Then I remembered I turned her location on. I get in my car and started driving to where she was. I pulled up to the house and saw a familiar car "fucking Kyle!" I yell

I got out the car and picked his lock,I heard moaning coming from his room so I busted in there "Toni get your ass up and let's go!" I yell and pull her off his dick

"Cheryl what the fuck!!" She yells and wraps herself in covers "go get your ass in the car" "what the actual fuck is wrong with you!" Kyle yells at me "you go near her again I swear on my life I will cut your dick off and shove it in your ass"

I go back to the car and get in "you have a fucking problem! What the hell is wrong with you and how did you even find me?!" Toni yells at me but I didn't answer her I just drove to my house

"When you get inside take a shower and keep your clothes off." I say sternly "NO! Your not my girlfriend or my mom I was perfectly fine with Kyle you're always ruining shit!" She yells and looks out the window

"Toni" I say and rubbed her thigh "don't fucking touch me! You're so fucking bipolar! One minute you choke me in the hallway and the next your putting your tongue down that hoes throat!"

"Your jealous" I smile "no the fuck I'm not we're not dating I can't have sex with someone but you can go out and do whatever!"  We pulled up to my house and I got out the car

"Toni get out the damn car" "no I'm not"  I went and opened her door and carried her in "put me down." I carried her to the bathroom "here take a shower and put my clothes on"I say and left the room

Toni POV
I got in the shower not because she told me so but because I wanted to.

10 minutes later

I got out the shower and put on my underwear and her red oversized hoodie. I went downstairs and saw she was baking cookies "tryna kiss my ass" I sass "no I'm baking cookies because I wanted some. And don't think I forgot about what I said in the hall" she smirked

She came up to me and kissed me harshly and I didn't stop her because I wanted it. I know it sounds stupid but I do,she licks my lips and I opened my mouth for her

Our tongues fight for dominance but she won,she picked me up and sat me on the sink "mmh"I moan as she squeezed my thighs she opens my legs more and pulled the hoodie up a little

She pulls away and goes to grab a knife,she bends down and squeezes my thigh as she carved into it "ahh"I wince in pain "stay still she says sternly as I tried my best to stay still

"Ok I'm done" she says as she licks the blood off my thigh and takes me off the sink "Cheryl can we talk please?" I asked "what about" "you,you get mad at me for kissing someone but you can go an do it.Cheryl I like you I do but I can't do this toxic shit."

"That's because you're mine an only mine no else gets to have you but me." She says "but we're not even in a relationship so you can't get mad if I got kiss and have sex with someone"

"Well now we are,so Toni Topaz your officially my girlfriend your mine! Got that?!" She says sternly "yeah I do,but your mine too and I don't want you kissing or having sex with other people if we're together."

"Toni I'd never hurt you." She says and I made a face "I-I love you Toni that's why I'm so crazy over you and I'd never do anything to hurt you. Do you believe me?"

"Ehhhhh" "hayy" she slaps my arm "Cheryl I think I love you too,and I hope you'd never hurt me." I smile and started to kiss her "oww" I wince as she slapped and grabbed my ass "that hurt you said you'd never hurt me" I said and she started laughing

Two chapters in a day🤪I had the time to do it vote and comment I hope you liked it. And sorry for any spelling errors

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