a careless toni

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toni pov

"hay are we hanging out after school??"cheryl asked me as she walked up to my locker

"um about that,sweet pea wanted to hang. im sorry"

"no,it's ok. you're fine. i'm always the second choice."she said and tried to walk away

i grabbed her arm and turned back towards me "cheryl you know that's not true."

"eh,watching my best friend become someone else's best friend is suddenly making me the second choice. so it is in fact true, bye toni."she said as she walked away to go talk to veronica and kevin

"what was that all about?"fangs asked as he walked up to me

"just cheryl being cheryl. selfish,self centered, a brat. is what i want to call her but if she heard me i'd be in trouble."

"you basically just called her selfish, self centered, and a brat"he laughed as we walked to class

i sat down in my usual seat waiting for the teacher to give instructions. five minutes passed until i got a message on my phone





A BRAT?!?!


don't "cHEryL" me!!

and see now you're proving my point.

how toni?!? please explain to me how i am selfish,self centered,and a brat with you. please tell me i want to know, because for the last four years i have done everything i could for you!! i stopped working on myself to make sure YOU were happy. to make sure YOU felt good about yourself. i let YOU sleep in my home when your parents kicked YOU out numerous of times. i have done so much for YOU and YOU have the audacity to say that i'm selfish and all about myself.

i told you i was hanging with sweetpea today after school and you just took it out of proportion. then called yourself a second choice.

yes, i did. you just met them and you're throwing me to the curb like an old used couch toni. like i mean nothing to you. this friendship we have is falling apart because of you. you discredit everything i do/done for you, but you go and praise them for buying you a case of beer?? what the hell?!?! so i have every right to feel like the second choice toni!! you're acting different when you're around them,you don't want to hang out with me anymore. it's starting to seem like you don't even want to be friends with me anymore. i don't want to lose you, you're my best friend. but i'm not so sure if you would say the same about me.

this is what i mean!! you're making everything about you. it's always "me me me me" with you. it's always cheryl being the victim. cheryl can never be in the wrong. i can hang with other friends cheryl,i can become best friends with other people besides you cheryl. stop being all about yourself and see that. god you're annoying

i never said you couldn't be friends with other people toni. but treating your older friends poorly is not something that's healthy for a friendship. why am i the bad guy huh? why are you making it seem like this all is on me toni?! it's hurting my feelings that you're acting like this. it's hurting my feelings that you don't even care about our friendship, or me. all these years we spent as friends and this is how you're acting??

cheryl i honestly don't care if i'm hurting your feelings right now. stop texting my fucking phone.

you are unbelievable!! bye antoinette

i threw my phone across the classroom causing it to hit the dry erase board. "ms.topaz, stop throwing things in my class!!"my teacher yelled at me

i went to pick up my phone them back to my desk and put my head down for the rest of the class time.

i don't feel bad for how i'm treating cheryl, she needs to learn that i can have other friends

after school

cheryl pov

i sat in my car in the driveway of my home crying about how careless toni is of our friendship like it's bag of chips. i continued to cry until there was a knock on my window. i look up to see my mom waiting for me to unlock the doors

"wassup babe,why are you crying?"she asked as she rubbed my back

"toni,she's a completely different person now since she has gotten new friends. we never hang out,we never talk unless i say something first. our friendship is burning to ashes and she doesn't even care. yes i want to be around her all the time,but i give her space whenever she asks or when i see her talking to other people. she's making it seem like i have her all to myself which i don't at the moment but i do want her all to myself at times."i cried out as my mom listened

"honey, it sounds a bit more than that. do you, idk maybe like toni? like more than a friend like her?" mom asked which made me tense up at the question

"yes,i do. i been have liked toni,but she's never shown any sign of liking back. that's why i just kept our relationship as a friendship. and now that she's acting like this,it questions if she even has feelings for me. because how could she so easily hurt me if i'm her supposed best friend mom?" i ranted

"i don't know hunny,im sorry this all is just a sudden out of her. but try to communicate with her,listen to her side then figure out what you guys need to do to keep the friendship going. you don't have to tell her that you like her just yet,or maybe even at all it's your call. you guys should talk this out,but let her text you first. that's a step to see if she actually wants to try for you guys friendship." she said to me as she wiped my tears

"thanks mom"

"ahh don't thank me,that's what being a mom is for. i love you sassy."she smiled as she called me the childhood nickname my brother jason gave me

"love you too."

later that night with toni

toni pov

"bro leave me aloneeee"i whined as sweetpea bugged me to talk to cheryl

"you're fucking up your friendship tiny!! you have to apologize to her for your recent behavior towards her. she doesn't deserve it,all she wants to do is hang out with you. can you give her that?? you've been hanging out with me the past three weeks,give her some attention too." he lectured me

"fineeeee,not because you said so. but because i've developed feelings for her and i feel horrible for the things i said to her." i said leaving from his couch to put on my shoes.

we said our goodbyes then i hopped on my bike and headed towards thornhill.

yeahhhh imma leave this here,idk if this good or not my stories getting kinda boring tho. please request bc i suck at coming up with prompts. sorry for any spelling errors


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