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narrater pov

toni topaz has had a very had life. in and out of foster homes, but if you asked toni she'd say they only did it for the money.

she always wondered why her parents never wanted her, but she liked to think that they were young and couldn't handle a kid. it doesn't make it easier, but it puts her at somewhat ease.

toni suffers from physical and mental abuse. from being thrown in a pile of thumbtacks, to being called slurs and under mind control.

toni never had the courage to fight back, because all of the foster homes she's lived in, they were white. she never understood why a black family never took her in, but she didn't think too hard on it.

she's almost eight teen, no one wants a teenager. she was ready to get out of the system, because no family was willing to get to know or love her.

if you were to ask toni why she wouldn't run away, she'll tell you that she tried. it wasn't so successful and ended in abuse for her.

all toni topaz wanted was a family to love and be patient with her. this effected toni's school work and the ability to use her voice as a weapon.

she didn't make any friends in the system, well except for one; madison. if you asked toni what happened she'd tell you that madison was adopted into a family that actually loved her.

toni had gotten use to being treated horrible, like she didn't believe in the word family anymore. toni was a sweet kid who had her innocence and childhood stolen from her.

she couldn't even tell you the person she was anymore. she didn't recognize herself. toni questioned her existence plenty of times, and some days that questioning was taken into actions. she'd promised to madison that she'll try to stop

toni's abuse got worse when she stared to find herself. when her recent foster parents found out about toni's "devil ways" they would call it. and didn't want toni around their younger children with her "ways"

toni was put back into the system, until today. another white family and she prays that they're more respectful towards her feelings and her as a person

her name was penelope blossom and they were on the way to the blossoms house. penelope tried her best to make conversation with toni, but toni only gave her short answers. cause all families are nice at first, then they show their true selves

"you and my daughter are the same age, im hoping you two can really hit it off." penelope smiled at toni, but all she did was nod and stare out the window

toni could tell penelope was actually trying to get to know her, but she feels if she says one word it'll get used against her.

"i hope you don't mind that you have to share a room with her, it's only for a week until we get your room ready." penelope smiled at the teen. toni just smiled at her as she saw the car pull in to unusual sized house driveway

"woah."toni whispered in awe, which made penelope smile. not of toni's reaction, but because she spoke. even if it was just one word

penelope knows how hard it can be to open up to random strangers that let you live with them. that's another story for another time, penelope would tell you.

as they entered the house toni was in awe of the mansion. "come on i'll show you to your room." penelope told toni as they headed upstairs

"here you go."penelope smiled

"it's empty." toni responded confused

" thats the point sweetie. you're decorating your own room, tell me the color you want the walls, all the designs, anything you want in here you can get." penelope smiled at toni

"i'm sorry, i don't get it."

"toni, you get to make your own room basically instead of us just giving a room you hate. we can get all the things tomorrow and start on it."

"where will i sleep tonight?"

"if you don't mind, you can sleep with my daughter. here i'll walk you there."

toni didn't show it but she was happy about being able to do her own room. she found it nice that these people were actually willing to go the extra mile for her.

they walked to a room with a red door as penelope knocked and heard a slight "come in"

toni was amazed at the size of the room

"cheryl this is toni, i've told you about her. i hope you don't mind toni staying here a little while we prep for her room

"of course i don't mind, nice to meet you toni." cheryl smiled as she sat with her legs crossed on her bed

"you too" toni said lowly

toni would be lying if she said she didn't find cheryl pretty. in fact toni thought she was very pretty, there was even attraction there.

"here come sit" cheryl smiled

toni sat across from cheryl on her bed

"so, what's your favorite color?"cheryl asked

"um pink i guess."toni replied

"really? would've never took you for the 'pink' type of gal." cheryl chuckled

"it's ok. you?"

"red, obviously"cheryl laughed gesturing her hand around her room

"your room is so cool."toni spoke

"thanks, it took a little time to get it how i wanted but it was worth the time."

"do you think maybe you could help me decorate mine?"toni asked

"omg, yes of course. i would love to." cheryl smiled

"i'm sorry if i'm being pushy or anything, but you're so fucking gorgeous. what's your sexuality? only if you're comfortable of course, i don't want to pressure you into telling me something like that." cheryl asked concerned

"oh, i'm bisexual. prefers women more to be honest, you?" toni asked

toni's not gonna lie, it's good talking to someone her age that is trying to understand her.

"i'm a lesbian" cheryl smiled

"does your mother know?"toni asked out of curiosity

"yes actually, she accepted me and she loves me like no other. i'm sure she'll be the same with you toni."

toni smiled at the words as she sat on cheryl's bed not knowing what to do

"come on, let's watch a movie." cheryl smiled

" ok" toni smiled back

toni really hopes this is the family for her. they're so caring already, but toni knows not to trust first impressions sometimes

sorry for any spelling mistakes

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