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  The two had arrived home. However, Serj was troubled. He didn't know if he should wake Daron or pick him up and carry him in the house. Daron looked so calm, peaceful, and tired. Serj didn't want to wake the boy. The older decided he would carry him in.

  Serj got out of the car. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. He carefully picked up Daron.

  "Please don't wake up.." Serj whispered to himself.

  Instead of waking up, Daron let out a little noise and wrapped his arms around Serj's neck. He sighed happily and continued to snore softly. Serj smiled as he unlocked the door to their small apartment. It wasn't much but it got them by. He placed Daron down on his bed.

  Serj sat down on his bed and turned on the TV. He took off his socks and shoes, finally getting to relax. Suddenly, Daron stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes and let out a big yawn. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

  "Well, look who's up. Sleep well, sunshine?" Serj smirked.

  "Oh shut up, you!" Daron laughed. "I slept fine, thanks for asking, big boy," Daron smiled with his crooked teeth.

  "Go to the dentist." Serj teased.

  "How about..fuck no? I'm not paying for someone to put their nasty hands in my mouth. Fucking gross!" Daron pretended to gag.

  Serj chuckled. "I'm gonna shower. I'll be out in a bit."

  Daron nodded at the older. He took off his shoes and crawled under his blanket. Soon, he drifted back to sleep. With the lights on. Who the fuck does that? Seriously?


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