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  "Daron was singing along to Come on Eileen." Serj stated as John and Shavo got in the back.

  "That's gay." John said.

  "See?! I told you! I fucking told you!!" Daron squealed.

  "Not surprising. Daron's pretty g-" Daron slapped Shavo's arm.

  "Shut up!" He groaned.

  "Hehe." Shavo playfully pushed Daron's shoulder.

  Daron crossed his arms and huffed. However, a smile took over his pout when some Iron Maiden came on the radio. He turned up the volume and purposely set his seat back until it his Shavo's long legs. His mouth formed a satisfied smirk when Shavo began to complain.

  "Bro! This car is small! Give me some space!!" He said, kicking at Daron's chair.

  "The car's not small. You're just too big." Daron shrugged.

  "Why do you always have a damn comeback?" Shavo groaned.

  Daron giggled evily and shrugged again. After around twelve minutes of bickering, the four arrived to their destination. They got out of the car and made their way to the ticket booth. John paid since he's the one that invited them. Once they were done, they made their way over to the entrance.

  "Don't be a chicken this time, Dar." John smirked.

  "Shut the fuck up!" Daron blushed and a mother with her kids walked by, giving the boys a scolding look.

  "See what you did?" John joked.

  Daron rolled his eyes and they started walking. John noticed how Serj and Daron stayed rather close to each other. He raised a brow but stayed quiet. He didn't have anything against gay people, he just wasn't all that used to it. He'd never want to make his friends feel unwelcomed, either.

  He also noticed how Daron reached for Serj's hand, looking shy and face red. Serj just smiled at him and held his hand. John tapped Shavo and pointed at the two. Shavo smirked and nodded. He leaned down, closer to John's ear.

  "They're a thing now. Daron told me over the phone." He whispered

  John nodded. That made more sense. He wasn't all that surprised, though. But maybe a tad bit jealous. Jelous that he didn't have someone's hand to hold.

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