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  Serj and Daron made it to the pet store. As soon as Serj parked, Daron opened the car door and jumped out.

  "I'm so excited, I'm so excited!!" Daron was jumping around like crazy.

  "Don't wear yourself out, Dar." Serj chuckled.

  "I can't help it!! I love kitties!!" Daron whined.

  "C'mon, let's go in."

  The duo entered the store and Daron nearly melted. He couldn't get enough of all the cute little creatures.

  "Ok, I'll get some supplies and you find the kitty and an assistant." Serj said.

  "Wait! Can I just find the cat? And when you're done we find an assistant? You know how I am.." Daron said, becoming nervous.

  "Yeah, of course!" Serj smiled.

  "Alright!" Daron ran off and looked for the Birmans. Once he found them, he could've sworn he almost died. After about ten minutes, Serj returned to Daron with a bunch of supplies in his arms.

  "Found 'em?" Serj set the stuff on the ground and waved over an assistant.

  "Yeah!!" A girl came over and smiled at the two.

  "Which one do you want, D?" Serj asked.

  "This one! It's so cute!!" Daron pointed at a white and gray one with blue eyes.

  The assistant helped the two and after a couple minutes, they were back out in the car. Daron and cat were already inseparable. Serj watched Daron as he pet their new friend.

  "He's so cute!! What do we name him?" Daron squealed with excitement.

  "That's up to you, Dar. Name him whatever you want." Serj gave the cat a pet.

  "Oooh!! Let's name him Ozzy! After the Prince of Darkness himself." Daron suggested.

  "Perfect." Serj giggled.

  "He's gonna be treated like a lil' king." Daron gave Ozzy a kiss on the head.

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