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  The four had been waiting in line for at least thirty minutes before it was their turn to get on. And of fucking course, Daron and Serj just had to be up front. Daron was biting the inside of his mouth, preparing for the worst. His hands were sweaty and he once again felt sick. This always happens, but he felt it was always worth it because he ends up having fun.

  The dude that operated the ride pulled the bar down over everyone. Daron took a deep breath and gripped onto Serj's hand.

  "We still have time to get o-"

  "Shut up! Sorry, just. Shut up. I'll manage." Daron said calmy.

  "Alright, alright. If you say so." Serj laughed and gave Daron a quick kiss.

  Daron adverted his gaze in front of himself. He felt his legs shaking but he just pushed it aside. The cart slowly began to move. Then it suddenly launched off and Daron let out an ugly squeak. He gripped onto the bar for dear life.

  Every stupid, loopy fucking spin, Daron felt as if he were going insane. He felt a little nauseous when the ride stopped, just to push them quickly again. Eventually though, Daron found himself having fun. He was laughing and Serj smiled at him. When the ride stopped, he was feeling much more excited than before.

  "See? Not so bad." Serj smiled.

  Daron wasn't listening. He was feeling quite dizzy. With a soft 'oof' he tumbled onto the ground.

  "Whoa." He said and John just burst out laughing.

  Serj chuckled and pulled Daron up. He held his hand and smiled.

  "Who wants cotton candy?" Shavo asked, holding up some money.

  "Ooohhhh, me!!" Daron gasped.

  "I'd like some." Serj said.

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