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   The four made their way over to the cotton candy stand. Shavo handed the guy running it a 20 and they waited patiently. When he was done, Shavo handed everyone their tooth-rotting-cloud-things. That's what Daron called it, anyway. They made their way to a bench and sat down.

   "Did ya like the ride, Daron?" Serj asked. Daron had to think for a minute. He did, but he didn't. He was like that. One minute he wanted to throw up. The next minute he was throwing his hands in the air and having fun.

   "It was alright, I guess." Daron shrugged and put some cotton candy on his tongue, feeling it dissolve. His dentist probably hates him.

   "Alright?" John gasped. "Alright?! It was fucking awesome!"

   "I'm not saying it wasn't, bitch." Daron sassed back.

   "Settle down, girls." Shavo said.

   "Whatever." Daron rolled his eyes. Suddenly, an idea stuck him. He gasped.

   "Bumper cars! Let's go do fucking bumper cars!!" He said excitedly.

   The other three looked at each other. But before they could agree, Daron was already running in the direction of the damned game. They quickly followed him. There just wasn't any way to say no to him when he was excited. John rolled his eyes.

   "Fuck yeah." Daron said as he got in an ugly green car with a bright, yellow star. "This car is so fucking ugly."

   Serj let out a hearty laugh and got into a purple car with stripes. The others got in their cars as well.

   "You guys are going down." Daron challenged.

   "Yeah right, bitch!" Shavo exclaimed.

   The dude started the ride and Daron immediately launched his car into Shavo's.

   "Yeah? You'll eat those words, you slut monkey." Daron laughed.

   "Slut monkey?" Shavo looked concerned.

   "Shut the fuck up." Daron slammed his car into Shavo's again.

Sorry for being so dead. Hope this crappy chapter made up for it 😭

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