Pilot - Part 1

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I'm Nora, and I'm a bit of a prodigy I guess... well, not really. I'm still horrible at geometry. But I was able to skip all the way to the 11th-grade history class! I'm only a freshman this year, and the worst part is that while the rest of my grade is turning 15 this year, I'll have to wait till the summer. I had one of those stupid summer birthdays where you can't celebrate with any of your friends cause they're all off at some beach in LA or Mexico over the summer. At least I got lucky with one of my friends, Charlie. His family doesn't usually go anywhere for the summer and we're neighbors so our families have been really close ever since he moved here when we were both in 3rd grade.

Anyway, back to the history class topic. I got the news over the summer, just around my birthday too. It really lightened the mood around the house. I even saw my older sister, Elena actually smile for the first time since our parents died. Aunt Jenna was really proud of me, and Jeremy wouldn't stop saying that his 'baby sister' is all grown up, even though we're literally only a year apart.

Today is my first day of high school and my first day being in an advanced class. The high school part, I was a little nervous about. But being in an advanced class was so exciting! All those years of reading about history finally paid off. I was definitely what you would call a history nerd. I mean I even knew the weirdest historical stories. And I mean stuff they don't teach in school, like The Donner Party type of shit. I specialize in morbid history. Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Nora, what the hell, you're only 14. Why are you reading about that twisted shit?' One day, I got bored, and I picked up a book, and I guess it just became 'my thing'.

I was woken up by Elena, my sister, at 6:45 AM. I groaned, not wanting to get out of bed from the massive hangover I had. And before you ask, yes I drink. No, I don't have a problem. So far, it hasn't been affecting me negatively in any way, so you can stop worrying about my mental and physical well-being now. Plus, it was nothing some coffee couldn't fix. I'm a pretty jittery person too so I'll be up and running in no time.

I reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed in leggings, a t-shirt, and a denim jacket with a bunch of pins and patches that I put on it. I put on my combat boots and put my brown hair into a ponytail. Since my hair is short and wavy, it gave the ponytail a certain fluff to it. Kinda like any female lead in a Studio Ghibli production... if you know, you know.

I walk downstairs to Jenna and Elena in the kitchen. "Toast. I can make toast."

Elena was pouring herself a cup of coffee. "All about the coffee Aunt Jenna."

"Is there coffee?" I turned around to see Jeremy walking down the stairs behind me.

"Ooh! Can I have some?" I asked hopefully.

Jenna looks over at me. "Nope. You're too young. Coffee stunts your growth."

"I'm fine with being short..." I say shrugging. "Actually never mind I wanna be at least 5' 6" before I stop growing."

"That's what I thought," Jenna said, slightly ruffling my hair. She goes back to frantically jogging around the kitchen. "Ugh, it's your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared... lunch money?"

"I'm okay," Elena says. Jeremy accepts the money and gives me half. We've always been close, whether I hang out with Elena more or not, we've always been the ones to stay up all night, ding dong ditching the other side of town, and laughing around in the woods. We've kinda stopped hanging out as much since he started to fall head over heels for Vicki Donovan. Now don't get me wrong, I think Vicki's cool and all, and her brother Matt and I have been friends ever since he started dating Elena, I just wish I had more time with my older brother. But there's always Elena and her friends to hang out with. Elena's friends are cool. None of them have ever made me feel like the 'annoying little sister'. It's probably because I'm very mature for my age.

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