Unpleasantville - Part 2

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The next day I was up in my room after school. I had just gotten dressed. My hair is too short to put in a high ponytail so I put in some curlers as soon as I got home and styled it like they would back in the fifties. I kept my necklace under my white button up shirt since it didn't exactly go with the outfit. I was wearing my favorite leather jacket over the shirt. It was vintage. I got it a few years ago, but back then it was way too big fo me. But now it's just right. I also wore the petticoat under the yellow skirt to make it all puffy as well as some knee high white socks and my white converse. I finished off the look with bold crimson lipstick as well as some other less noticeable makeup.

I smiled at my appearance in the mirror and then walked downstairs. It seemed like I was interrupting  some big conversation cause both of their head whipped in my direction. Elena wasn't ready yet but Jenna wore and orange collared dress with her red hair in a high ponytail. I guess she was chaperoning. She looked my way and smiled. "You look great! How did you do your hair all by yourself?"

"Google." I smiled and sat at the counter. Elena walked upstairs to get ready. Then the doorbell rang and I opened it to see Stefan. "Hi, Elena's getting ready right now but come on in! I actually wanted to show you something."

"Okay thanks. What did you want to show me?" We both walk into the kitchen.

"So, I was at an antique shop to get stuff for the decade dance." I motion to my outfit. "And there's was this collection of vintage photos from the fifties, and I found this." I handed Stefan the photo of him in front of the school.

He laughed. "No way, this is awesome."

"I know right? Also, for the record, you totally rocked the fifties look."

"I could say the same for you." He said. "Are you going to the dance with Charlie?"

"Yep." I say, blush creeping onto my face. "He should be here in a few minutes."

We hear Elena coming down the stairs, talking to someone on the phone. I can't really tell what she's saying but I bet Stefan could. Suddenly she screams and we both run into the living room to see a vampire attacking her. Oh my god, it's the pizza guy! Stefan fights him off and helps Elena up. "Are you okay?" Stefan hugs her as she nods. "Okay..."

"Wow." I say. We sit down and wait for Charlie to show up, also cooling down from the brief hectic commotion that just went down. I decide to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water and maybe an apple and when I come back, Damon was in my living room.

"And you have no idea who this is?" Stefan asks him.

"No." Stefan tilts his head at Damon. "Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company."

Elena looks up. "You think there's more than one?"

"We don't know." The room goes quiet for a while.

I decide to speak up from the entrance to the living room from the kitchen. "Hi, I'm back. Since when is Damon trustworthy, let alone mentally and emotionally stable?"

"Oh look it's the twelve year old prodigy. What wisdom do you have today?" Damon mocks.

That's it. I'm not gonna start a fight in the middle of my living room, so I put on a fake smile. "Call me twelve again, and I'll sneak into your house in the middle of the night, and file down your fangs with sandpaper."

Damon turns to Elena. "That right there is the spawn of satan. I think you're gonna need an exorcist or Jensen Ackles or something."

"Alright, let's just stop." Elena says, glaring at both of us.

Finally, the doorbell rings. I answer it and Charlie is standing there wearing a white t shirt, jeans, and a red vintage jacket. "Ooh, very James Dean!"

Charlie smiles. "Thanks! I like your outfit too. You kinda look like Sandy at beginning and end of Grease mixed together."

"Thanks!" I yell back into the living room. "Guys! Charlie's here, let's go!"

Elena and Stefan follow me and Charlie out the door, as well as Damon who insisted on coming. Elena holds up the car keys. "I'll drive."

"Shotgun!" I yell loudly so that everyone can hear that I'm sitting in the front. There is no way I'm sitting in the back because first of all, whoever sits in the back is stuck with Damon cause I don't think he deserves the luxury of sitting in the front. Plus whoever sits in the back has to share the back with two other people. Guess that means Charlie is in the back with Stefan and Damon.

We all get in the car and I look in the rear view mirror to see Charlie in the middle seat, looking very tense next to Damon. Charlie's great, I love the guy, I would never say anything bad about him, but he seriously needs to grow a spine, or at least show people they can't scare him. Our peers have been walking all over him since third grade. Charlie is just staring straight ahead, not daring to look Damon in the eyes. Or anyone for that matter.

About two minutes in, I see Charlie nervously turn to Damon. "So... what are you doing at a high school dance?"

Without looking at him, Damon said in a sarcastic tone and monotone voice, "Spiking the punch."

"Cool." He said, his voice rising a couple octaves.

Once we got to the school, Charlie and I ran ahead while Elena walked with Stefan and Damon like they were her body guards or something. We get to the gym and look around at everyone in fifties attire. "Wanna dance?" I ask over the music.

"Yeah!" The music was soft but quick. He took my hands and we walked to the dance floor. Charlie put his arms on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck as we swayed to the music. Soon, the music picked up into a higher paced tune and we looked over at Elena and Stefan to see them going all out. "Woah, I don't think I can top that."

I laughed. "You can try. Take my hand."


"Take my hand!" He took my hand and I guided him to spin me around and then end it with a dip. My mind took me back to that time in the kitchen. I had fallen, and he caught me. I was yanked out of my thoughts when he pulled me back up and spun me around again. I was out of breath by the end of the song. I looked at Charlie, who was laughing a little out of amusement. "Wow."

"Wow what?" He tilted his head in confusion, never losing his smile.

"This night. You. I just-" I stammered. And I'm not usually one to stammer over a guy. He smiled even wider and led me to the doors of the gym. As soon as we got into the hallway, I was against a wall, and he was kissing me. I grin. "Wow, assertive."

His features softened. "Uh, I'm sorry. Is it to soon or something? Cause I can totally-"

"No! No, it's fine." I lean up to kiss him again.

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