Under Control

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 "Come on, Jeremy!" I heard Elena call from downstairs. "Going to school! Walking out the door now."

I've been up all night researching but Google was only giving me dungeons and dragons, world of Warcraft, and that stuff. Last night I snuck downstairs at least three times for coffee and now I'm  extremely hypersensitive and ready to fight God or become him. I heard Elena ask Jeremy something about where I was or why I was still sleeping. I assume he just shrugged because apparently Jeremy doesn't give two craps about anything anymore.

I rolled my eyes and shut the computer in frustration, getting dressed and putting concealer on to hide the dark bags under my eyes. I put on a band T-shirt and ripped black jeans with my steel toed combat boots in case I run out of patience today and need to kick someone or something.

When I got downstairs, I heard a disgustingly familiar voice. "Nora, hello."

Uncle John. Ugh, I forgot he was here. "Oh. It's you."

"Still recovering from your chronic bad attitude?"

"I don't know, you still got that stick shoved up your-"

"Nora! Why don't you get to school!" Jenna cut me off, opening the door and shoving me out before I could say anything specifically vulgar.

I got on my bike and rode to school. On the road, I saw Charlie riding on the other side of the street. I swerved across the road, ending up right next to him. "How've you been with your parents back?"

"Stressed." He said, glancing at me but not taking his full attention away from the road. "How about you? I heard what happened with Vicki."

"Yeah... I'm dealing. Jeremy isn't though. He hasn't said anything other than, yes, no, and I need lunch money." I said. "And I've been having these weird nightmares too."

"What kind of nightmares?" He asked as we stopped in front of the school.

We started to chain up our bikes. "Bonnie's grandma was in them and in the last one she kept saying... 'wraith.'"

"Wow, that's trippy." Charlie said. "Do you know why?"

Because she said that I'm a wraith. No, I'm not going to tell Charlie until I'm sure that Grams was telling the truth about me being some sort of ominous mythical creature that sounds like it came straight out of a horror movie. "Beats me. I've been trying to do some research."

"Well, maybe it means something!" He suggested as we walked through the halls. "I mean, would Bonnie's dead grandma show up in your dreams if it wasn't important?"

"I know, but I can't figure out what it's supposed to mean until I get some actual research done." We stopped at my locker and I opened it, getting some things that I'll need for class. "And I doubt the town library has any reliable sources."

That weekend, I woke up with an amazing idea. Mr. Saltzman. He must know all about stuff like what I'm dealing with. I got out of bed, threw on some sweatpants and a tshirt, then walked out into the hallway, to Elena's room. I opened the door to see her and Damon standing there. "What's he doing here?"

Elena glared at Damon. "He was actually just leaving, cause I have things to do today that don't involve talking to my boyfriend's psychotic brother."

"Perfect!" I turned to Damon. "I need a ride to the school."

"First of all, why?" Damon asked vindictively. "Secondly, no."

"First of all, I need to talk to Mr. Saltzman. Secondly, that no better turn into a yes before I steal a car and either get arrested or die in a crash."

He was about to say no again when Elena gave him a pointed look. Damon sighed. "Fine. Get in the car before I change my mind."

I ran downstairs and out the door with Damon close behind. As he unlocked the car I opened the door and got in the front seat. "Alright let's go."

"Why are you so eager to talk to Ric anyway?" He asked, not looking away from the road.

"I had another dream."

"Here we go with your 'prophetic dreams' again..." Damon rolled his eyes.

I balled my fists. "You know one of these days I'm gonna be right. I can feel it. And you won't be laughing then."

Damon didn't look contradicting at all anymore. For a split second, I could see through his mask of arrogant jackassery. I saw worry. But just for a moment before he pulled up in front of the school. "You know, you've officially peaked my interest. I wanna find out if your dreams are actually real. Cause if they are, that means more trouble for me."

"Wow Damon. Were you actually being... genuine?" I asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes again. "Shut up and lead the way."

We walked down the hallway until we got to the history classroom. Mr. Saltzman must have been in there all night grading tests. I slowly opened the door and walked into the room. "Mr. Saltzman?"

"Nora? What are you doing here? It's Saturday." He asked, turning away from his work.

"I need your help with something. It's kind of urgent." I said. He looked concerned. I guess I've been getting that look a lot lately. Then Damon stepped into the room, causing my history teacher to pull a crossbow out from under his desk. "Actually for once, Damon's not the problem. He was just my ride here."

He slowly lowered the crossbow and set it onto the desk, though he never took a hand off of it. "Since when are you wrapped up in the supernatural mess of Mystic Falls?"

"She's unbearably nosy." Damon said.

"I'm not denying that, but it's not really the full story..." I trailed off then decided to stay on task. "Anyway, I need to know where I can find good info on a certain supernatural creature."

"Like what?" Mr. Saltzman asked.

"A wraith."

"A wraith?" He sat down. "Nora, I don't know what to tell you... wraiths are just folklore from Scottish Mythology."

"Then why did a dead witch tell me that I'm a wraith in my dreams?" I stated bluntly, earning concerned and confused looks from the both of them. I was used to those kinds of looks though.

"Does Elena know about this?" Damon asked, seemingly genuine for the second time today.

"No. I didn't want to tell her until I knew what it meant." I said. "Which is why I'm here. I need to find out what the hell is wrong with me."

Mr. Saltzman paused to think, then looked back up after a few seconds. "I've got some credible mythology books at my apartment. Stay here while I go get them."

And so the research began...

(A/N - Heyyyy sorry that took so long. Season 1 episode 19: Miss Mystic Falls is next and that's kinda my favorite episode in season 1 cause the parking lot scene is so funny to me for some reason. But I'll try to write it with a sense of ✨drama✨)

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