Three Bats, a Butler, and a Toddler

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A/N Written by @Quinis.

His eyes spot the red bat and he just latches on. His chubby hands slip over the armour but, thank goodness Jay was wearing his jacket on patrol, he manages to get a good grip around the opening of the jacket and hold on.

Rough hands pull at him, curses fly and emotions (fear, worry, abandonment) and Dick starts crying. He didn't mean to but he was only a toddler and toddlers aren't known for their emotional control.

"No, no, no," he chanted into Jason's chest.

"Come on, Dick, let go!" Jason responded, giving Dick another pull as he tried to dislodge the toddler.

"Seems like he likes you," Tim snickered. "I'll see you after patrol, Jason… maybe." However, he made the mistake of walking right past Jason and Dick.

Dick dislodged a hand from Jason's jacket and reached for whatever he could grab from Tim. Unfortunately for Tim, all he could reach was his dark hair. Dick grabbed and pulled, intending on keeping Tim from leaving.

"Ow!" Tim's hands reached up and began dislodging Dick's.

"No weave!" Dick cried out, hoping they could understand him. He didn't want to be alone. He hiccups a few times, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Okay, okay! I won't leave!" Tim cried out.



"Promise," Jason translated with a smile on his face. He was beginning to like this Dick. It was fun watching Tim deal with him.

"I promise!"

Dick frowned but let go. Tim twirled around to glare at him and Dick marvelled at how he could almost see the pores in the teenager's face, it was that big in comparison to his tiny size.

"Tay!" he ordered Tim, pointing his free hand at him. Jason laughed and Dick laughed too, because the rumblings in Jason's chest were tickly and warm.

"Aw, tired baby?" Jason asked when Dick yawned mid-laugh and rested his head against his chest.

Dick felt his eyes start to droop and his will to stay awake faded in the comforting bouncing and rocking motions Jason was making.


Dick woke up in the manor. Alone.

His lip trembled but as he was well-rested, he found it was easier to control himself. He focused on how annoyed he was that they had left him.

Getting up was problematic. Dick stretched his hands out in front of him and balanced on them as he shifted his legs up under his body. His legs wobbled but he was determined to do this so he ignored it as best he could.

He ran, feet stumbling underneath him as he tried not to fall. He moved quick, trying to readjust his balance with each footfall.

He ran screaming into a wall, unable to figure out how to make his stubby legs turn without toppling.

Damian's shocked face hovered above him.

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