A Father's Joy pt 2

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

"These aren't burnt either! Okay, so how much icing should I put on them...I'll do a thin layer on them!"

M'gann had baked most of the day and had been careful selecting Tupperware boxes that had her uncle's name on them in case Wally found them. That speedster couldn't possible be an earthling could he?

She was alone in the Kitchen until Conner wandered in and looked at all the cookies. "Uh...making sure he's not cookieless for the next 3 months?"

M'gann giggled as she pointed to the kitchen bar. "The cookies of the team is over there and these are my uncles! I had Flash ask my uncle since a speedster almost always talk about food."

"Nice strategy."

"Thanks, would you like some juice, milk, or soda?"

"...Do we have any sprite left?" 

M'gann tossed one to him and took one herself while finishing the cookies for her uncle. "Oh ya, I need to reserve some tickets for a museum!"

"Ask Canary about that because I remember clearly that two of us have no idea how that stuff works."

"...Might be a good idea."


Conner was in his room when M'gann's voice in his head told him to head for the zeta tubes, he did as asked and saw Superman stand there who turned around when he heard him. Superman rubbed his neck before he spoke.

The clone's eyes were wide as dinner plates. "I asked my mom for advice about a Father's Day gift and she said Dad wished I was young again and spending time- then I remembered you and the troubles you're having...would you...like to be my little brother? Giving Dad both his wishes in one go?"

Conner was now gaping at him and held up an index finger in a 'hold on for a moment'. "M'gann! I'm living part time in the cave! I'm moving to Smallville!"

There was a high pinched scream that had them both cover their ears before a blur crashed into Conner and spun him in the air.

"Finally he- you...Hello Megan! I have to call Robin about this!" She was gone just as fast as she had flown in.

Superman was actually grinning as he rubbed his neck again. "Maybe Robin will cancel his 'kryptonite coffee' threat," he said and frowned when Conner looked at him.


"Uh huh."

"...Tiny, 13 year old bird who also happens to have Batman as a father?"

"Sounds about right."

"...Never scare those smaller then you."

"That's what I told Batman! He found out the hard way about a week after...think Joker is still in body cast."



Conner fainted.


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