Chaos at W.E.? Call Dick!

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

Tim was in his office when Steph came in with a few files that she placed on a different table for them  to look through, they had reached her third file when a loud, angry roar shook the whole building, making the two cringe and look at each other before glancing at the doors.

Jason ran past the open doors with Cass close behind, but Damian skidded to a stop. "Dad lost his temper", he said and ran after the two again.

"Really? I thought that was Dick" Tim mumbled as he rubbed his ear and shook his head to clear the ringing away while Steph turned around, pressing her lips together as if she was deciding whether to stay here and keep working or head over there and stop her new father from possibly strangling the board members.

Tim had gone back to the drawings and frowned "Did you leave a copy for dad?" He tilted his head towards her as he said that "Yeah, a digital one that they're going through right now. I ran in with it just before they started and told him I was gonna show you these...why?" Steph leaned in and tried to find what Tim had found...she cringed at the discovery.

" is free today right?"

"Nope, 12 hour shift."

"I hate his police job sometimes", Steph growled and sat down on one of the chairs after the files were stacked together, Tim sat down behind the desk and sighed, knowing the feeling "Especially in Bludhaven, takes him hour or two to get here."

"Miss me that much?"

Two sets of blue eyes snapped towards the door where Richard Grayson-Wayne himself stood leaning against the post, dressed in a business suit. Steph squealed as she glomped him in a hug and Tim threw his arms in the air in a victory motion.

Richard chuckled as he placed a kiss on Steph's temple "Alright, what was the problem before I interrupted?"

"Dad lost it, if you were in the building like...1...2 minuets ago?" Steph frowned and looked at Tim who shrugged so she turned back to the bat trapped in her hug

"The whole lobby heard, you should've seen their faces! I took the express elevator to get here faster, since I figured the nor-"

Richard was cut off when a wave of anger walked past Tim's office and soon they heard the double doors at the end of the hallway slam shut, making the whole room shake. "I think he just slammed the doors into jigsaw puzzles", Tim voiced up and the three walked out of Tim's office.


Richard had two seconds to save some air in his lungs before Jason slammed into him, kinda hard not to miss that white streak. The eldest Wayne's brows quirked a bit at the action before looking at the other two and then Tim and Steph.

"You're the *Bat-whisperer*, do you see why we were so happy to see you?!" Tim whispered with enough volume to show his panic, Richard rolled his eyes before he untangled Jason off of him.

"Alright, I'll go see what's with him, you get back to the meeting and find out what's going on"

Jason mouthed a 'What?!' before throwing his head back and the Batkids went to the meeting room while Richard headed towards Bruce's office, hoping to convince the man to take some time off for a while. He got his phone out of his pocket and dialed Lucius's number.

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