Date Night, Plan B 5+1 [pt 1]

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A/N Written by @smittenbritain.


If there was one thing that their series of interrupted Date Nights had taught Dick, it was that sometimes, it was better to improvise in his love life.

There was, of course, something to be said for putting in some effort. Dick loved doing it, loved the way it brought the same fond smile to Wally's face when he came back to a home-cooked meal or his favourite takeout already on the coffee table, but clearly, it wasn't always feasible. As amusing as it was in hindsight to be caught off guard so frequently in such a short space of time, Dick did appreciate actually spending time with Wally, and so he took to being spontaneous in the hope that maybe, just maybe, they could get away unscathed.

So far, it had worked a treat. They saw more of each other, and they had the thrill of a quickie to look forward to now and again.

Having said that, he did still like to plan some things out, and the beach behind Titans Tower had always struck him as a good spot for a picnic. As a group, they'd had their fair share of hanging out on the sand, laughing and batting a volleyball back and forth, but there had never been a good opportunity to make good on that picnic idea when it was just him and Wally. Usually, they were too busy when they were both in the city, or they were split enough that they just passed each other by until one of them stumbled to the other's apartment one weekend to sleep together in the most literal sense.

It was a shame, though, Dick thought, staring out of his window in the Tower; there was a rock there that made a little hidden cove, where they could tuck away from prying eyes. Really, it was the perfect place to hide and have a private moment alone. It was a crime to not use it.

Luckily for Dick, Wally was usually game for surprises.

All Dick needed to do was prepare a backpack while Wally went about his usual post-run routine of a shower and a change of clothes, and as soon as he was dressed, Dick took him by the hand and pulled him back out into the sunshine again.

"Where are we going?" Wally asked, fond and amused.

"You'll see." Dick shot him a smile. "It's a surprise."

Dick squinted up at the sky on their way down from the Tower. Even the weather seemed to be working in their favour today; it was often decent enough here, but right now the sun was hot and the sky was beautifully clear, with not a single cloud in sight. It was comfortably warm, to the point that Dick was already considering basking in the sun after they'd eaten.

The sand shifted under his sneakers, so he lifted his and Wally's joined hands for balance on their way towards the ocean. He glanced back just to catch a glimpse of Wally's face, drinking in the pure delight there as he stumbled closer with a breathless giggle. He jostled Dick as he crashed into his side, so he looped his arm around Wally's shoulders instead as they rounded the rocks, picking their way over to the flat expanse of sand near the slight overhang.

It was better than Dick had imagined; nobody could see them from the Tower, so they would, ideally, get some peace and quiet for once. He didn't know yet whether they'd take advantage of that, but just the knowledge that they had some privacy was welcome.

He released Wally's hand and swung the backpack around to reach into it, just so he could flick the blanket out onto the sand with a little bit of flair. It made Wally huff with quiet laughter, and that was all Dick wanted, in the end; he grinned to himself as he sat, patting the empty space next to him. "Have you figured it out yet?"

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