Robin vs Crow & Penguin

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A/N Written by @EmiTheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

"Crane. Is. WHERE?!"

The whole Watchtower was shaking, making some of them question if it was going drop out of orbit as the Bat bellowed into the com-set.

Jonathan Crane AKA Scarecrow had broken out of Arkham and had somehow managed to reach the very same warehouse coordinates the Team had been given, he was stuck in a JLA meeting and Robin had called in about Penguin. Since that quaking headache on legs was so easy to take down, Batman had allowed the Team to help Robin with this, even though Metas weren't allowed in Gotham.

Now Gordon was calling, telling him about Scarecrow and his insides went cold when he realized that Robin didn't have the new antidotes in his utility belt yet, and none of the other Team members knew how dangerous a Gotham villain of that level could be.

Penguin: Easy

Crane: Medium

Joker: ...Get the hell out while you still can!

"Batman what-"

"Scarecrow ran into the team, Robin doesn't have the new antidotes, and none of the other proteges know how lethal his fear gases can be," Batman stormed over to the zeta tubes and noticed that the computer announced nearly the entire League as they reached Gotham.

GL Jordan carried the more grounded heroes as the fastest of them took off, it wasn't hard to find the right warehouse since the Team had a knack of wreaking the place they entered. Thankfully Robin had noticed that Scarecrow hadn't gotten hold of any fear gas yet and was fighting the said bird, yelling at him to stay still.

The rest of the Team were having fun with Penguin, each having a matching grin as Kid Flash sped around making the foul villain dizzy. He fired his umbrella making them crack up in laughter.

"An umbrella?! Robin what kind of villains do you have here?!" Superboy asked as he just crossed his arms while being peppered with bullets.

"Um...lets say Easy, Medium and Get the hell out! But they are hilarious to mess with until Batman's iron fists send them flying into GCPD vans," Robin cackled as he dodged another round of bullets that Crane fired at him, the villain hadn't gotten his gas containers, but he did get ahold of firearms from Penguin's smuggling crates in that very warehouse.

"Do you need help over there?"

"Nope, just have fun with Pengu over there!"

Penguin was flapping his arms screaming, 'Stop calling me that Brat Wonder!'...Apparently it wasn't the first time he had been called that and soon Robin had double bullets rounds aimed at him.

Robin looked at the floor to see the familiar silhouette fall over him, raising his head a bit more to the windows he saw his mentor standing there holding a hand up at the other heroes, watching if they really had to intervene or if the team could handle them. Robin managed to get his mentor's attention and used sign language to inform that Crane didn't have his canisters on him, just those guns and a slow brain.

Batman visibly relaxed a bit, and soon Robin was all over the place again, Penguin was back fighting the Team again and Scarecrow was swinging a metal rod and shooting at the bird, "Stand still you- you- WHATEVER YOU ARE!"

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