Separate Worlds, Holding You Again

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

The Bioship landed in the Cave's hanger and the Team started unloading the crates, they even managed to get groceries.

"Did you get everything?"

Batman, Red Tornado and Zatara were waiting for them as they returned.

"Everything on your list Batman, plus groceries" M'Gann replied as Wally speeded over to the crate she just lowered and almost drooled.

Kaldur just passed Batman holding a crate of his own when something small shot past him with a creepy echoing laugh, sending half the team jumping. Robin had been hiding under Batman's cape and now flipped onto a large crate grinning.

"Guys! You're suppose to be on alert!" He cackled and sat down. Kaldur picked up the crate he had dropped.

"Perhaps it would be wise for you to continue doing that? We might catch on in the end and be alert should the Cave be rediscovered"

Robin's brows quirked at that and looked at Batman, but of course, his mentor/father was stone faced. Though they had their own Bat-language.

"Or Batman could drill you through stealth lessons for 6 hours, 10 minutes, break, and then another 6 hours!"

"Dude! how are you not dead yet?!"

"I knew acrobatics before I became his partner!"

M'gann looked up at that "Wait- before his partner? Aren't you-"

Robin leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees "Nope, just a ward."
Conner blinked confused, "Okay you're lying! you're as creepy as Batman, you disappear into thin air like him and for crying out loud I didn't even hear you in here!"

Batman smirked while everyone's jaws dropped, save Zatara and Red Tornado.

They kept unloading the ship when Artemis and Zatanna exited the elevator, Robin heard Batman and Zatara's conversation about Zatanna visiting. He though about how Batman was protective but they lived in Gotham so they weren't safe either day or night, he had enough scars from either kidnappings and the fussing from Bruce and Alfred that came afterwards...He was used to it.

"I just wish I could get used to the idea that my little girl is...*sigh* growing up" Zatara said.

"How do you think I feel with Robin? You remember how I was before he came flying into our lives" Batman mumbled, loud enough for the magician and Robin to hear.

Zatara nodded, clearly remembering "Yes, though there are some premature feathers left in those wings of his"

Robin grinned "You're not going to drop the bird thing are you?!" He called out, his answer was a 'Nope' and 'Perhaps in 40 years'.

He pouted and tossed a pack of tissues at them, Batman caught it easily.

There was a thud and everyone turned to see the crate Conner had been carrying but he was gone, then M'gann and Wally disappeared.

Batman gaze fell on Robin just as the bird and Kaldur disappeared, he heard Zatara call out for his daughter...the whole Team had front of 3 League members! Batman wasn't sure his heart was working properly.

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