Date Night, Plan B 5+1 [pt 3]

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A/N Written by @smittenbritain.


It was a miracle that Dick managed to wait until they got back to Titans Tower.

Roy lagged behind on the way back, making an interested noise as they passed a coffee stand. “You go on ahead,” he said, waving them on. “I’ll catch up. You guys want anything?”

“I’m good,” Wally said, shifting on his feet. Dick could practically feel the lingering energy radiating off of him, manifesting in a slight staticky buzz across his skin. There was, of course, a surefire way to help settle him again after all of that - more exercise was the key - but the more fun method meant getting home as soon as possible and, preferably, finding a little bit of privacy.

“Suit yourself.” Roy shrugged when Dick shook his head. “I’ll see you guys when I get back.”

They stepped away, and once they were out of the way of civilians just enough, Wally dipped down to sweep Dick off of his feet. He laughed, even as he obligingly secured his arms around Wally’s neck, and slipped into the familiar, strange rushing feeling of being carried by a speedster; the world blurred around him as they went too fast for his eyes to track, and his stomach lurched as it was left behind on the street. Within a few seconds, they were already at the Tower - inside the Tower - and the door to Wally’s bedroom clicked shut behind them.

Wally set him back on his feet, and Dick pressed a hand against the wall to steady himself. “You okay?” Wally asked, frowning.

“I’m fine,” Dick promised, waving him off. It wasn’t new or worrying; it was just his body catching up, falling back in sync with how time and space usually worked for him. “Just catching my breath.”

When the room stopped spinning, Dick looked up at Wally again. He’d pulled his cowl back, leaving tufts of red hair to puff out from his head now that they weren’t trapped. His cheeks were flushed pink, and he bounced on his feet a little, almost imperceptibly. If Dick hadn’t been looking for it, he wouldn’t have noticed.

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “C’mere.”

Wally hesitated. “You sure? If you’re still dizzy, I can wait, or I can go-”

Dick rolled his eyes. “I’m fine, Walls. Come here.”

His arms were suddenly full of warm, vibrating speedster. Wally pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, as if he was asking for permission; Dick answered silently, turning his head to catch his lips with his own, shivering at the soft, relieved noise Wally made. A shudder wracked his frame, one that spoke volumes about just how keyed up Wally was - that, and the fact that he was already half hard against Dick’s hip made him wonder if they had accidentally instilled a Pavlovian response in themselves here, but it was a little late to think about it just now.

Quick like lightning, ideas flashed through Dick’s mind, jumbling and twisting together until one specific image caught his mind’s eye.

He nudged Wally back. A whine slipped out from between Wally’s teeth, and Dick ignored the pulse of heat in his gut at the noise.

“Can I blow you?” Dick asked, murmuring the words into the scant space between them.

Wally’s breath stuttered in his lungs. “Oh, God, please,” he breathed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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