A Small Cold and Wing's Wrath

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

"Master Bruce you should be in bed."

"It's just a cold Alfred, I'm not dying," Bruce grumbled from the batcomputerbatcomputer. "Just warn me when Dick is on his way."




Alfred actually laughed when the whole cave shook and Bruce bolted for his uniform, hoping to get in it in time and blast the car out of there before Dick reached the cave. The computer was showing his kids laughing in pain as Dick barreled through the hallways. The bedroom were located in the east wing and the cave's secret entrance was in the study in the west wing.

Hopefully that gave him enough time!

Because when you hear Dick scream your full name you run like hell.

Usually it's his younger siblings getting that but when Bruce hears his he tries to flee Gotham too which is why he, for once, calls Superman.

"Clark you have three second to get me out of the cave before I'm 6 ft under!" Batman yelled just as he got his cowl over his face, saw Dick skid to a stop as he ran down the stairs and everything was a blur before he was in the air above Gotham.

Batman actually showed visible relief for once,"Phew...that was close."

Superman smirk, "What did you do this time? It's not often you try to run from Dick. Usually it's Jason who calls me or Starfire and Tim calls Conner...And Stephanie calls Kara...Oh god there goes my solo gig."

"...you figured that now?!"

"Now when I actually thought of it really hard!...So why are you trying to run from Dick," Batman sighed and figured it might be best to tell. Superman shook his head. "It's official, it's not the Batman who's scary: It's Nightwing."

Batman groaned, "Just say it...I knew it would happen anyway." He noticed that they had landed by a zeta tube and soon they were at the Watchtower, the one of two places Nightwing actually refused to be in. Sure he had been here a lot as Robin but after everyone nagged him about membership he point blank refused to head there.

Wonder Woman came over with a smirk on her face, "What did we agree on?" She crossed her arms as Superman snorted turning away while Batman hung his head in defeat.

"Not to anger Nightwing," he whined...Whined! Diana nodded as her smile grew.

"Be glad it's just the three of us here at the moment, everyone else is out," Clark choked out as he patted Batman's shoulder. The zeta tubes came on again and Red Robin arrived with Supergirl in a giggling mess, he was holding her cape dragging her floating form along while she was laughing.

"Here Clark, save her before she dies," Clark snorted as he tried to calm her down but when she looked at Batman she was laughing even worse. Red Robin just grinned, "Nightwing isn't going to show you mercy when he gets his hands on you."

"They're digging my grave aren't they?"

"Planning, but no digging yet, think Impulse digs it faster."

Batman sighed, "It's a small cold and he blows his lid?!"

"You thought I was *looks around to be sure* -I was Cass!" Diana had been trying to stay serious but now she joined the Supers in a laughing fit while Batman blinked in shock at his son before he sighed.

"And vice versa?"

"*Snort* You thought Cass was Steph."


"Are you coming home now?"

"...*sigh and pout* Fine."

The two bats left the Amazon and the Supers to their laughing demise.

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Words: 616

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