Date Night, Maybe 5+1 [pt 2]

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A/N Written by @smittenbritain.

Disclaimer: Explicit Content


Dick greeted him at the door to his apartment with a kiss and the tantalising scent of Chinese takeout. Wally peered past him to where a stack of containers sat on the coffee table, still steaming; his stomach snarled at him, angry at him after his run from Keystone to Blüdhaven without stopping, which wasn't really that far in the grand scheme of his work as the Flash, but it felt like it when he hadn't eaten much that day in preparation for their dinner date.

"God, I love you," Wally moaned, following Dick desperately to the couch. "Fuck, is that salt and pepper chicken?"

"Yep," Dick said, grinning. "Help yourself."

Wally descended on their food like a man starved, humming around every mouthful. The beauty of getting takeout with Dick was that they didn't mind sharing dishes; they picked and chose from the arrangement in front of them, and they ate until they were satisfied. In Wally's case, that was almost never, but Dick eventually sat back with a content sigh and stretched out on the couch to relax while Wally still nibbled here and there. Odds were, there would be leftovers, but that suited Wally just fine. He could always take some back to Keystone.

The tension between them was electric as he settled into Dick's side. His hand came to rest on Dick's knee, mostly just holding, but he felt the way Dick tensed up just slightly under his touch. A good seven weeks of not getting laid would do that, Wally supposed, because he also wasn't immune; it felt like every cell of his being leaned towards Dick, urging him closer.

But even if Wally could get going again almost immediately on a full stomach, Dick couldn't, so he sunk into the squishy couch for now. They had all the time in the world. He'd let Dick make the first move once he'd digested enough.

It came a surprisingly short amount of time later. Dick's hand found itself on Wally's thigh, and all it took was a squeeze and a silent, questioning arch of Dick's brow to make Wally crumble. His hands shot to Dick's side and shoulder, smoothing over whatever subtle muscle he could find as Dick's mouth crashed into his own. Wally laughed against his lips, and he felt Dick smile and snicker breathlessly in reply.

"Eager," Wally teased.

"So are you," Dick shot back.

Wally shivered as Dick trailed away from his lips, down to his jaw and neck. "Fuck, I am," he admitted, threading his fingers into Dick's hair. "Nobody's gonna show up at your door this time, right?"

"They'd better fucking not," Dick grumbled, nipping at Wally's throat. He gently pressed against Wally's chest, and he let himself tumble back against the couch, just so he finally got his wish: Dick above him, slotted neatly between Wally's spread thighs just like he belonged there. Wally was pretty sure he could hear angels singing.

Dick held himself up with an elbow next to Wally's shoulder, and he let the other wander down his side, mapping him out like it was the first time all over again. They were pressed together from chest to hip, and Wally felt his blood boil when he realised that Dick was hard, he was hard and he was right there, he was finally there. Usually, on a night like this, Wally would try to slow himself down to really enjoy every second of it, but this time, he didn't care; he hooked a leg around Dick's hip and tugged him down, closer, and he rolled his hips up to meet him.

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