Date Night, Maybe 5+1 [pt 1]

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A/N Written by @smittenbritian.

Disclaimer: Explicit Content

There was date night, and then there was Date Night.  

It was an unspoken kind of language between Wally and Dick, something they both knew without needing to give it a name. The first was about taking the chance to spend time together wherever they could get it; it came in the form of Wally rushing over to Gotham or Blüdhaven - wherever Dick was - just so they could crash into bed together at the end of the night, or maybe order some takeout and pass out on the couch. It was snatched moments, stolen kisses when nobody was looking and handholding at the end of world-saving fights.

Date Night was more planned. It meant meticulously checking the Gotham patrol schedule and carefully letting the other speedsters know they might need to keep an eye on Keystone. One of the two of them would cook - or, if they were feeling particularly lazy, order their favourite pizza - and then they’d settle down on the couch to watch something mindless while they digested.

It always ended in sex. Date Night meant they were unavailable, and they had plenty of time to spend on each other. Wally loved just existing next to Dick, but sinking into bed with the intent to get somewhere after a minimum of weeks apart was unparalleled. He was a tactile person by nature and he knew Dick cherished the safety and comfort of intimacy, and it always left them flushed and smiling as they basked in the afterglow, still pressed together just to be together.

Wally buzzed with anticipation in his apartment as he set up the little dining table in the corner of his kitchen. The plates were set, the cutlery was out, and pasta was bubbling away merrily on the stove. The TV remote was placed neatly on the coffee table, ready for Dick to scoop up to click through whatever he wanted for however long their patience lasted. It had already been a long month since their last night together, so Wally didn’t expect it to take very long for them to migrate to the bedroom.

Dick was due over any minute. Wally fiddled with his phone, and then decided he’d put on some music and stir the pasta just to keep his hands busy.

The first song was fading out when his phone buzzed with Dick’s ringtone - the bouncy twang of Come And Get Your Love interrupted whatever was up next on his playlist - and Wally stilled. Usually, they didn’t call ahead; Dick had keys to Wally’s apartment, and he had ones for both Dick’s Blüdhaven apartment and Wayne Manor. They just let themselves in with the silent understanding that they both liked the domesticity of it.

If Dick was calling, that meant that something had gone wrong. Wally’s shoulders drooped just a little bit.

He picked up his phone by the end of the first verse, just as the lyrics rolled into ‘What’s the matter with your head?’, and answered it. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Dick sighed, and that told Wally everything he needed to know. “I’m really sorry, but I’m gonna have to cancel tonight. Bruce and Dami need backup in Gotham.”

It wasn’t the first time they’d had to reschedule. It happened now and again, and was kind of unavoidable with the lifestyle that they both worked; heroism didn’t exactly grant them the chance to book days off, even if they did ask their respective contacts to leave them alone for one night. There was always the risk that it wouldn’t work out.

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