Two Bat-families?!

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

"...And here we are!" Nightwing finished, being the only one who wasn't having a bat-glaring contest with his other self. Dick blinked before looking at Bruce and groaning when the man was bat-glaring at Batman as well.

"For the love of-," Dick muttered pinching the bridge of his nose and then-, "HEY!"

Everyone but Nightwing jumped and once he had all eyes on him they cowered at his glare.

"Behave so we can actually send them back before there's blood."

Jason rubbed his neck sheepishly and sent a death glare when Red Hood just flipped the older bird off. He regretted it when Dick's fist cracked a table in half.

Batgirl (Steph) looked at him wearily while Red Robin just looked the other way.


Batgirl sighed, "Oh god here we go again! Nightwing do something about Robin before he kills someone!"

"Why just me?"

"You're the only one who can tame those two!"


Nightwing managed to snatch Robin before he attacked Damian."Unhand me Grayson! I will hurt him!"

"Punch yourself? Smart move Kiddo," Nightwing rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a child!"

"Yes we are!" Damian grinned and Robin froze before he was off again.

Damian had jumped up on Dick's back and was looking at them all in a weird way, "You sure they are us from another Earth?" Dick snorted. "Well one of them is as ugly as I am so- Yeah I'm sure!"

"What?!" Nightwing spun around still holding a now limp Robin, who was looking at Dick and then Nightwing. "Finally someone who agrees!" The Red's started laughing like crazy while Jason and Tim sent their brother a bat glare which he was immune to. Dick clapped his hands together.

"Okay, it's dawn already so I'm gonna go call in sick the school bats and warn Alfred that his nightmare has sadly become real...Dad, do you need me here or at W-E?"

Bruce finally broke his glare match with Batman, "At this chaotic moment? Here! I might actually end up in Arkham this time." The Bats snorted while the other bat-family froze on the spot. Did he just joke?

Batman finally couldn't hold his question in any longer.

"How trained are they? And why is Jason here?"

Bruce frowned at the mention of his second son, "Problem?"

"He's a killer!"

"Yours maybe, but not mine"

"He should be in Arkham!"

"Why would I place my own blood son in Arkham?"

"We're talking about Jason! Leave Damian out of this!"

Dick sighed and Jason blinked confused, "Damian is the only blood of you all?"

"Of course I am!" To Robin's horror his version jumped down from Dick's back and ran over to Black Bat and Spoiler who had just arrived on their bikes, both looking at them all. Cass giggled when Damian sent both him and Steph flying.

"You're not gonna stop that are you?" Steph croaked as she sat up.

"Nope!" Damian laughed as she got up on her feet with him still clinging to her. Steph saw Robin and quirked a brow, "And I'm guessing they have other personalities?" Robin spun around looking at Dick.

"Why is she here?! She's Cluemaster's daughter!"


Robin shut his mouth and looked at Steph. She had no idea who Cluemaster was? Batgirl gaped, "Okay, who is your birthfather?" Here the Bats snorted and Dick just uncrossed a hand and jerked his thumb at the computer where Bruce and Batman was. They didn't seem to catch on. Jason grinned.

"Okay, out of you all who is blood related to-"

"I am!" Robin shouted. Jason blinked at him before looking at Nightwing who nodded. Red Hood just rolled his eyes, "Demon spawn is blood related to B and Talia Al Ghul."

Tim decided to mess with these guys some more. He was sure Dick wouldn't mind, "And she is?"

The effects were more fun then he hoped. The duplicate's jaws dropped and Batman whipped around in shock, "You don't know who she or Cluemaster is?!" Red Hood screamed.

Tim shook his head, "Nope."

"Is your dad Jack Drake?" Red Robin asked and didn't understand when Tim laughed.

"Nope," he said again.

"John Grayson?"

Dick shook his head.

"Willis Todd?"

Jason shrugged.

"Arthur Brown aka Cluemaster?!"

"Again who is he?"

Red Hood spun around looking at Cass, "David Cain?!" He got a blank look from her.

Robin's head spun in confusion, he swayed a bit placing his hands on either side of his head as he turned to his version, "Bruce Wayne?!" he shouted.

"Finally!" Dick grinned as he hugged Cass while Jason collapsed beside them howling in laughter, Steph was still holding Damian and placed her chin on his head while Tim had somehow appeared in Bruce's arms. Nightwing's jaw dropped as he looked at them all.

"You guys are Bruce's blood kids?! All SIX of you?!"

Cass nodded as she placed her ear over Dick's heart, who was busy watching Jason to make sure he was breathing.

Batman turned to Bruce, "All of them?"

Bruce shrugged as he held Tim tighter. "Aren't they?" He nodded his head towards the duplicate batkids.

"I'm starting to understand that Arkham statement now."

"It was a joke."

"...WHO ARE YOU?!"

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