A Father's Joy pt 3

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A/N Written by @EmiTheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

Batman and Robin's Father's Day

Robin had been bouncing everywhere during the fight in such a speed that not even Batman had seen him take down the thugs they were fighting against at the harbour district. He had felt Robin grab his shoulders to launch to another part of the room and then he was a blur of black, red and a hint of yellow.

And his echoing laughter didn't make it easier to find the kid.

Once the thugs were cuffed and handed over to the police, the duo continued their patrol until they stopped at a rooftop. "Batman? I'm gonna disappear real quick, I wanna check on a old couple that owns a Jeweler store," Robin spoke up and took out his grappling gun.

"The same couple you saved 2 weeks ago?"

"Uh huh, they said they had something for me as a thank you."

Batman tightened his grip on the ledge and forced himself to calm down. "Alright, call if you run into trouble on the way."

"I will...Dad." Robin was gone when he turned around.

The Boy Wonder landed at the back of the store and entered when he saw a note with his insignia on it. "Oh Robin! Here to get your gift for Batman?" The elderly woman smiled at him as he started to bounce again, carefully time this.

"For Batman?"

She took out a small box and opened the lid, Robin's jaw dropped and his eyes behind the mask widened. She took that sign as a job well done as the teen lifted the gift by the chain and looked at it more closely. "We used material strong enough to withstand whatever it is you do at night."

"How- did you know to-"

"To be honest your drawing of this fell out of your pocket, that is why we asked Commissioner Gordon if he could contact you for us and tell you to come here tonight."

Robin blushed when she showed him the drawing, the result of losing that drawing was beautiful. He carefully placed it back in the box and giggled when the kind lady wrapped the gift in a gray gift-paper with gold and black strings around it.

"Good luck now!" She smiled as she placed it in a small bag and handed it to the Boy Wonder.

Five minutes...that was enough to worry Batman when he didn't hear anything from his son. "Batman I'm coming back to you now."

'Streets are calmer now, no sign of robberies or drug dealings. Stay where you are I'm coming with the batmobile'

Robin slowed down and after two minutes he could hear the engine of the car and as soon as the dome was open enough he jumped inside and fastened his seat belt as Batman closed the roof, changed gear, and picked up speed. They were going to do some car patrol before heading home. Robin hid his little shopping bag under his cape and tried to calm himself...

...Not going so well though.

Batman smiled a little as he felt Robin's energy sweep all around and sighed, did he have chains or sedatives strong enough to knock the boy out?...Or did he have to cut the kid's sugar allowance, he ate cookies and god knows what at the Cave but Alfred's cookies were going to be torture...He could let Robin have Alfred's cookies every third day though but none at the cave.

"Robin, hold still or I will cut your sugar allowance," he spoke up when he'd made up his mind, Robin gaped at him when he continued. "No cookies at the Cave but you are allowed to eat Agent A's every third day." His son pouted but Batman noticed that Robin ran his tongue over his teeth to check if he had any holes.

"I'll cut the cookie eating if you cut the work obsession!"


Robin giggled at him while Batman grumbled and it soon turned to full out laughter when the grumble turned into a pouted 'fine', what Robin didn't know was that Batman had made his partner lose it on purpose.

They drove around a few hours more before heading back to the cave. "Hey Batman? You know that view spot close to the Manor? Kinda hidden and never used much...Could you swing by there?" Robin asked after a while when they were outside the city.

Batman remembered the view spot Robin was talking about, he went there whenever he needed air on his way home from W-E.

The Batmobile stopped and Robin bounced out (cape closed around him, he was clutching the gift to his chest) as Batman walked around the car and understood why Robin had brought him here.

The sky was for once clear with the stars shining brightly and the start of a meteor shower flew by.

Batman turned and felt his heart take a double leap as Robin held out a small box wrapped in his uniform colors, sneaky bird. He got down to one knee so they were almost eye level as he opened it.

However, when he opened the box he lost his breath and sat down on the ground in shock while Robin remained standing.

Resting in the little box was a silver circle hanging on a chain, the outer edges held emerald vines with blue aquamarine leaves and the image was made out of gems as well and that was why Batman's breath had packed up and left.

The bat was holding out a wing to a small Robin flying towards it, the beautiful gems stones used made it look so real and when Batman tilted it just a bit the Robin's wings moved in flight.

"Robin- I-...Oh god Dick, it's beautiful."

Names in the field with masks on?!

Robin sighed quietly in relief and squeaked when he was crushed against the armored chest, he managed to wiggle his arms free to place them around Batman's neck. Batman was still looking at the gift and held it carefully when he noticed the hard glass shell around it.

"That glass is strong enough for you to carry around your neck while in uniform, something about diamond cover, and the gems won't fall out of their place...It'll last forever," Robin explained as he turned to look at it, feeling the arm around him tighten.

Batman placed it carefully in one empty pouch in his utility belt and hugged his son, "Thank you Robin...You certainly know how to make a Father's Day wonderful!" He mumbled into the boy's forehead before kissing the spot.

"I'm called 'Boy Wonder' for a reason!"

"Mystery solved," Batman chuckled.

"Wha- hey! World's Greatest Detective my feathers! You cheated!"

Batman quirked a brow as he chuckled deeper and placed his chin into the silky black locks and rocked the boy, "I have no idea what you're talking about."


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