New Year Bats

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

December 31th 2015

"I'm home! Please don't kill me for missing Christmas, I was stuck with BPD shifts!" Richard called out as he closed the door and put his bags by the stairs.

"Oh thank goodness!"

Dick looked up as Alfred trapped him in a hug. "Sorry Alfie, I dropped my phone during a fight and it broke to pieces. I managed to save the SIM and Memory cards but I need to get a new phone," Dick hugged his grandfather.

Alfred drew back and breathed, "We were worried about you! Master Jason, Timothy, and Miss Cassandra went to your apartment  but you weren't there!"

"Ya, I stayed at the station. We've opened a sort of short time living area for those under longer shifts, we just pack a necessary bag and stay there for faster call outs. Between the 18th and 30th I was one of the officers staying there.

" should go see Master Bruce."

Dick's smile quickly morphed to a look of dread, "Oh shit!" He kicked off his shoes and threw off his jacked as he ran towards Bruce's study and slowed down as he heard a voice inside.

"...-He's been missing for 2 weeks Clark! You know Dick calls almost everyday telling us he's alive! But on December 18th there was no call and on the 25th Jason, Tim and Cass went to his apartment and were almost having a panic attack! It's the 31th and no sign of him in Blüdhaven or son is nowhere to be found and you tell me to calm down?!"

There was a slam so Dick guessed Bruce had ended the call, he cracked the door open enough to peak in.

Bruce was sitting by his desk with his head in his hands and his shoulders were slightly shaking, he jumped a bit when his com link went on.

"What?...All of them?...A week before he went missing?...I've checked every tracer and got nothing...Alright, all of you come home..." Dick felt his eyes burn when Bruce finally cracked from the worry and covered his face again, this time he was crying heavily.

Dick pressed his lips together when he remembered that he hadn't told his family that both his phone and comlink were broken, his comlink had been destroyed during a Nightwing patrol and he had only been home long enough to grab a bag for his long shift and hadn't thought of leaving a note.

He silently walked in and realized that his light blue jeans and white t-shirt might be bad choice of clothing right now, he did however put on his navy blue hoodie that had been around his waist and then kept walking towards the desk. Dick crouched beside the chair and placed a hand on Bruce's arm.

"Dad...I'm h-home."

Bruce's head shot up, looking at Dick in disbelief before the tears fell faster as he pulled his son against him and Dick hiccuped as he buried his face in Bruce's chest and didn't care that he couldn't breath "I'm sorry, m-my phone and com were both b-broken and I...Dad I'm so sorry!"

"D-Dick...Oh god you...You're alive! I-we- oh god!" Bruce couldn't speak clearly as he hugged his son.

After almost 20 minuets and now sitting on a couch instead of the floor did Bruce manage to speak. "Dick we looked everywhere...We thought you were-"

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