Cop or Business? Why not both!

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

The Wayne's were stuck at another Gala, spread out in small groups and everyone wanted to have a word with them, Damian stayed near Tim and Cass clung to Jason's arm while Stephanie stayed glued to Bruce's side. She still wasn't used to being a Wayne and going on these things but Dick had told her that he had felt the same why and that it would go away eventually.

The eldest Wayne boy was stuck a little bit away from his family but thankfully he had Commissioner Gordon beside him talking with the most annoying business man he had ever met! Geez, how did Bruce have the patience not to hit these kinda of guys?!

Bruce's patience for his kids was endless...Actually he didn't want them to behave at home because he had admitted that quiet Manor reminded him of the years before Dick came and he never wanted to go back to that again, well they made chaos alright and Alfred really didn't bat an eye when he cleaned the mess afterwards.

"...And then the ridiculous choice of career Richard! You're the heir to one of the biggest companies in the world and you choose to be a cop?! Outrageous!" The man said and looked away as he took a zip from the expensive champagne, Gordon rolled his eyes.

"The Wayne kids have different ideas of helping people, Richard's is the most noble one and-" Gordon tried to say...

Keyword: Tried.

"A complete waste of talent! Guess gypsies are like that!" the man interrupted.

**Oh heaven above he didn't just- Barbara, find Bruce now for god sake!** Jim grabbed his phone and text his daughter who was over by Bruce and Stephanie.

She looked at her phone and gasped, making the two Wanye's, Lucius and Leslie look at her "Barb-" She just turned the phone so Bruce could see the message and his jaw dropped.

"Shit, where are they?!" he hissed and looked around the room, Steph sent texts to the others to keep a look out for Dick and copied the text from Barbara's phone.

Jason and Cass almost reached for their hidden gun and knife but managed to remain calm, Tim and Damian didn't have that kind of control so they walked up to the second floor of the Gala room to keep a look out from there...and tried not to strangle anyone.

Dick hadn't said a word about the gypsy thing but explained that as a cop he felt like he was doing so much more then just sitting behind a desk all day, the man just huffed and when a waiter walked by with champagne glass on her tray he placed his empty glass on it and took a new one, nodding his head in thanks and took another swing.

**Don't punch him...don't punch him** Dick chanted in his head and noticed his two little brothers leaning against the rail on the second floor **Yep, defiantly don't punch him! Bad example Dick, don't teach your little brothers bad things...Wait...We're the kids of the fricking Batman so that train derailed fast**

Bruce was still looking around for his eldest when a woman came towards him.

"Oh my Mr. Wayne! Who is this young lady?" she said referring to Stephanie who hid slightly behind Bruce.

"This is Stephanie, my second daughter and 5th child and...well, she's still not used to these things or the name change."

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