Date Night, Plan B 5+1 [pt 2]

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A/N Written by @smittenbritain.


The problem with the manor, Dick thought, was that it just took too long to get to his room.

It didn’t matter that he had a speedster boyfriend. Logically, Dick knew that all he had to do was ask Wally to pick him up and sweep him across the manor to somewhere more private, but that meant stopping even for just a second, and if the house was already empty, then, well…

His book was abandoned, face down on the low table that his notes were sitting on. Dick had set up in the library with the intention of working - had, in fact, done plenty of work already, and had stacked up a good few books to skim through for research - and then Wally had arrived and that had all sort of fallen apart. Truth be told, he wasn’t quite sure how they got from greeting each other to damn near jumping each other’s bones, but it wasn’t uncommon, and he had missed Wally.

They had somehow ended up horizontal on the couch, and through the pleasant haze clouding his mind, Dick was pretty sure he remembered Wally being the one to nudge them this way. He slotted between Dick’s legs, pressed close for a lazy grind as they kissed. This time, they were slow, unhurried; they had a whole weekend ahead of them, and while Dick would have to peel himself away to get some work done, he could afford to put it aside for a little while to spend some time with Wally first. 

He broke away with a sigh, only to tip his head back when Wally kissed his way down his neck. He nudged aside the collar of Dick’s soft sweater, and he shivered at the slight chill in the manor. It paled in comparison to how much warmth Wally gave off, though, and coupled with just what exactly they could get up to…

A low moan slipped out from between Dick’s teeth without his permission. 

He felt Wally smile against his throat. “Yeah?”

“Shut up,” Dick huffed, flicking his shoulder playfully. “You know my neck is sensitive.”

“And it’s hot,” Wally murmured. He nipped at the crook of his neck, and Dick shifted underneath him again as he puffed out a quiet breath. They were already pressed flush together so there was no way that Wally missed the desperate little rock of his hips, but he didn’t do much more than exhale a little harder before he sucked a mark into a spot just under Dick’s collar. 

Wally’s hand skimmed under the hem of Dick’s sweater, pressing up underneath it to fan his fingers against his lower back. It gave him the perfect leverage to ease Dick into another roll of his hips, and Dick bit the inside of his cheek hard at the perfect press of his cock against Wally’s. It shattered him, and he dragged Wally back up to kiss him feverishly again; all thoughts of relaxed and easy were gone, yanked away in that one instant, and yet Wally, for once in his life, stayed infuriatingly slow.

“Walls,” Dick groaned, grasping at his hips just to pull him into his next buck, “please, c’mon.”

To his relief, Wally flashed him a smile - too close to see properly, but it was there in the sparkle of his eyes - and he slipped his hand between them to press his palm against Dick. A ragged moan tore out of his throat, ripping its way through him like fire racing up his spine. It burned in his throat, boiled up into another noise that Wally muffled with a kiss.

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