Robin attacks! Daddybats to the rescue!

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

It was mid-October when Dick woke up and saw the changing colors of the leaves outside his window, he was vibrating with so much energy Alfred felt extra mean this morning and hugged the 13 year old.

"Why don't you go wake up Master Bruce? Even he can not resist you in this state!"



Dick giggled and hid his red face in the comforter "Are you using me to punish Bruce?" He sneaked a peak at the butler how actually looked guilty and playful, the boy finally burst and giggled for 5 minuets solid. Alfred sat down on the bed and waited for the boy to calm down before explaining.

"Master Bruce has once again sent the coffee maker in the-"


Both Butler and boy looked at Dick's fireplace where a pile of metal was laying, creaking before a spring bounced out. Dick, having watched to many cartoons about springs bouncing out of broken objects, lost his newly regained control while Alfred chuckled.

"Off you go, I believe Master Bruce is free today"

He notice he was talking to an empty bed. "*chuckles* Oh that boy..."

Dick ran to Bruce's room and quietly opened the door and took a moment to adjust his eyes to the darkness, Alfred quietly walked up to the curtains and waited for Dick to get ready to attack his guardian.

Counting to 3 Alfred separated the curtains letting in the October sun, Bruce shut his eyes tighter and slammed a pillow over his head "Alfreeeed-" He whined and Dick was shacking of laughter.

"Really Master Bruce? One of these morning? Very well- Richard you may attack!"


Bruce sat up and fell back again when Dick slammed into his chest, his body vibrating with the energy he woke up with and giggled. "Punishment for the coffee maker!" Bruce chuckled deeply as he used both hands to ruffle the boy's already messy hair, Dick laughed as they play-wrestled each other and Bruce dragged him back down in bed and threw his covers over him.

"Bruuuce! You're suppose to get up!" Came the muffled voice from the small moving lump, his messy head popped out and the kid had the nerve to pout cutely at him. Bruce actually let out a laugh as he hugged Dick.

Who could ever wake up on the wrong side with that kid around?

After some more wrestling and finally able to dress themselves for the day they entered the dining room for breakfast (Alfred didn't want Bruce to even touch the kitchen door) "Alfred said you were free today? Those new bird baths and seed-feeders came here yesterday while you were out"

Bruce looked thoughtful for a moment before he remembered that Dick had found several old and slightly broken birdbaths and the seed-feeders had fallen off their places long ago, Dick spent some of his free time studying birds and had tamed the bats in the cave, learning as much as he could so if he found a downed bat or bird he knew how to heal them.

"I guess we can spend the day setting them up, just wear a warmer jacket" Bruce said.

Dick took his time eating and sent a text to Wally that he was staying home today, no cave.

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