Claws of Night pt 1

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A/N Written by @EmitheNinja. Plot minorly changed.

Red Hood gulped as he dropped the ray gun he had accidentally fired at his older brother. The rest of the Batkids were in shock and prayed that the blast hadn't killed Nightwing. Robin carefully walked over to the still rising smoke and tried to see his brother.

Something shot out of the smoke and into the bushes scaring the small bird who bolted over to Red hood and zipped under the brown jacket, and then his face popped out.

"Find him or find dad?" Black Bat rose her clawed hand voting for Batman. Red Robin was standing beside her rising his hand as well but he was still looking at the bushes hoping to see his brother.

Spoiler, Robin, and Red Hood sighed and pointed at the bushes, "Give us an hour before you tell him."

Black Bat smirk evilly.

"30 minutes."

Batman was going to kill them.

~Edge of the forest~

"I'm going to kill whoever harmed my kids!" Batman was shaking as he walked away from the League and Superman was suddenly in front of him.

"Nightwing said they were going to separate the ray gun from that...whatever he was and be back here! The forest is thick and it's been a while since they scared anyone right?"

Batman straighten to his full height, "So you're saying that they take this long to have fun?"

"Who knows what your eldest comes up with that involves fun and training at the same time?"


Superman sighed in relief as Batman turned away. Well he bought them time...He just hoped Batman wouldn't actually kill anyone...


Was Batman still carrying kryptonite?

~Inside the forest~

"What kind of flowers do you like Hood?"

"And you wanna know why?"

"Your funeral...Your second one."

"...White roses."

Robin giggled as they walked through the forest trying to find Nightwing. It was safe to say that he had been the one in the smoke and had bolted away from them. Black Bat and Red Robin had stayed behind with the ray gun to either figure out how to reverse it or act as if they had just found it and that the rest of them had split up to find the culprit.

Bruce loved them all so much that even the slightest gun wound on them could give him a stroke. If they returned without Nightwing Batman was going to flip and dash in himself.

"Nightwing! Better get out here before DaddyBat's loses it!" Spoiler called out and felt her cape flap along with some leaves. "Hello Supes," she didn't know which one it was but-


...They didn't growl did they?

Red Robin was pacing around while Black Bat used her holo computer and a stylus pen to train her reading and writing, which to her was a great time waster when they had long stake outs for thugs to show up. Red finally plopped down beside her and eyes the ray gun in anger.

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