Chapter 26: The Uchiha Tag Team

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"Naruto is an-" Sakura was unable to finish due to her loss for words.

"Uchiha." Satsuki finished the sentence for her, bewildered at the sight in front of her. What the hell was going on? Naruto was an Uchiha? Thoughts were rolling from her head.

He didn't even tell me. Satsuki thought, looking at the scarlet eyes that Naruto had. All this time, Naruto had been hiding that he was truly from the Uchiha Clan until now?

She wanted to be angry at him, but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Why? She doesn't particularly know at all. Fuck, she was being pathetic.

3-tomoes too. Satsuki thought, narrowing her eyes at Naruto. He could've at least told her. At least. Naruto side-glanced at Satsuki for a moment or two.

"Satsuki, there is no time for an explanation. We just need to rescue sensei." Satsuki scoffed, though nodding her head up and down and following Naruto's path.

"An Uchiha, huh? 3-tomoe Sharingan too. Hm, still won't be enough to defeat me." The water clone of Zabuza rushed towards Naruto at a quick speed. Naruto jumped up, perceiving everything at a much slower pace.

Naruto looked at Satsuki.

"There is no time for daydreaming, Satsuki. I'm going to need our help." Naruto dodged at thrust of the blade while in mid-air. He stood right on top of the tip of the blade and jumped right off.

Satsuki threw a kunai right towards the clone Zabuza. But he counterattacked with using his blade to block the kunai from reaching him. Naruto gritted his teeth, wondering what he should do.

He landed back on the ground and looked to his side where his backpack was at. "Satsuki, I have a plan." She nodded, wondering what Naruto had in mind.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" Numerous amounts of clones appeared all around the water clone. They all surrounded him with a kunai in their hands.

Hm? Shadow Clones? It seems this guy has lots of chakra. That could be dangerous. Thought the water clone, observing what was happening right around him. Naruto and his clones jumped right towards the water clone.

"Get ready," said the clones and Naruto in complete unison. They all jumped right on top of the water clone. To the outside, it seemed like Naruto and his clones were winning, but that was not the case.

They were all suddenly pushed back. One of the clones caught sight of the backpack that was laying on the ground.

"Boss, here!" One yelled, flinging the backpack right towards Naruto. He nodded, catching the backpack with relative ease. There was a split second pause, but Naruto managed to pull out a scroll.

A puff of smoke revealed itself and revealed a large-folded shuriken.

"Satsuki," said Naruto, throwing it towards her. She nodded, catching the shuriken. Once she caught it, her eyes widened at the touch of the shuriken.

So that's what you were planning. Satsuki thought, suddenly unfolding the shuriken that was unfolded until now. She held up the large shuriken that was in her fingertips.

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