Chapter 87: What Truly is Love?

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Naruto kicked the door open to a house in Otogakure. Searching for a room, Naruto came across one just up the stairs. Picking the closest door, Naruto kicked open that door as well.

Moving to the bed, Naruto delicately laid Satsuki on the bed. A deep sigh escaped his mouth as he covered her body with the blankets that was there.

He couldn't help but feel time rewinding itself once again.

There he was, laying Satsuki on the bed for the millionth time this past month. It hasn't even been a day since they parted ways and they had already met with each other, the women he saw as his lover heavily injured once again.

He didn't know what to feel about the future of everything.

Later on, they'll be fighting in a war that will be so cataclysmic that everything in the world will be so unrecognizable afterwards. He sat on a chair, closing his eyes as he felt the silence engulf him.

My power keeps growing rapidly. He thought, the clones he had set up 24/7 finally dispersing one at a time - they were reaching in their limits. This had gotten him so much stronger than he was before.

The Shadow Clone memory trick had its moments. He didn't use it much, but when he did, he felt himself growing and growing exponentially. And now, even then, he felt power growing infinitely.

Those Otsutsuki... I wonder how strong they are - probably stronger than I am at my current state. Naruto thought, looking at himself carefully. Madara had told him about Hagaromo before - The Sage of Six Paths.

He told him the tales of the clan that the Uchiha were descendants from. Kaguya... Hagaromo... Hamura - they were all part of the clan of aliens.

But this trailed to a question that Naruto had.

How strong are the others? There must be more lurking about. I wonder if they are weaker or stronger than the rest. How musing. Naruto mused, thinking about the possibility of fighting some space aliens that he heard stories about.

He couldn't defeat as he was right now.

But his growth was out of this world. His power was shattering goals one after another. Sooner or later, not even these 'Gods' will be able to keep up with him. He was interested in the thought of fighting in space.

The world will soon be brought to absolute ruins.

No one could escape the fate that he was going to push down unto the world with such abruptness. As time flowed regular, Naruto sat there.

Quietly and majestically.


A few days had passed by. News had traveled all across the world quickly. The news of the death of Uchiha Itachi had stunned the world to its core.

The death of the murderer of the Uchiha Clan - it was almost too hard to believe that it was true. But there were facts that lay perfectly.

Tsunade looked at the newspaper before slamming it on her desk. Events were once again being picked back up after a month of pure silence that followed the Kage Summit.

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