Chapter 108: The Start of Destruction and Creation

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"How have you been doing, Yukari-san?" He asked. Yukari stood, her body tensed as their eyes met with intensity.

"You... what are you doing here?" She responded, her voice quivering as she staggered forward, moving quietly under the shining sun.

Naruto sat quietly, unfazed as he motioned for her to sit down across from him.

"Why so scared? I'm your grandson... is there any reason for one's grandmother to fear them?" A trail of superiority lurked from behind his voice.

"Or is there something?" He asked, his smile intact. "Is there something to fear?" His body was calm, his blood flowing through his veins at a calm pace.

Yukari's composure was shaken, her vision twisting and churning. Naruto stayed silent, their eyes meeting.

Naruto could sense someone moving from behind.

"I've met you before... but it seems I could not remember for the longest time..." Naruto talked with leisure, his eyes quivering with power.

"Isn't that right, Sai?" Naruto concentrated his power, pushing Sai back before a blade could pierce through the chair, into his heart.

Yukari widened his eyes.

"You... remembered," she said, stating a fact that had become true to her now. Naruto nodded, smiling lightly as he gestured to sit down on the chair that she stood right in front of.

Yukari complied, knowing that she'd be no match for someone like Naruto in terms of almost everything.

"Yes, I do remember - everything in fact," he stared at his palm, sensing Sai back away. He could practically hear the pounding of his heart that thumped every moment.

"Then... you...!" She soon realized. If Naruto could remember everything that had been previously sealed.

Then that'd mean...

A crack had appeared in their impervious plan.

"I feel them cross my brain like missing pieces of a puzzle. These memories were the memories that you two had sealed away through the use of Buddha." Naruto had gained them once he got in contact with his younger self the 3rd time.

Yukari narrowed her eyes.

"That wasn't supposed to happen - your memories should've stayed sealed. The technique that Buddha was nothing to laugh it."

This was truly a problem.

"It should've... but it didn't. And I want you to say it to my face - the very reason why sealed those memories away." Yukari gnashed her teeth.

"If you have your memories back, then you should already know the reason why we did such a thing." Naruto shook his head.

"Yes... I do know; but I want you to say it yourself. Even though I know, you will say it." This was not a request made by Naruto, but an order that she had and was expected to follow.

Hesitantly, she followed his command.

"We had told you our plan... not the Infinite Tsukuyomi... but the plan to make a second Earth," Naruto nodded, gesturing for her to continue. "but we saw deviancy from you, making us wary of your motives." Naruto stayed silent, letting Yukari continue.

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